How do I get my dogs to stop bothering my boyfriend when we have sex?

If I put them in the porters, they whine and it ruins the mood. If I let them out my Great Dane tries to knock the bedroom door down. And if I leave them in the room my dachshund won't stop climbing on to the bed and my Great Dane gets WAY too curious.…

    How do I get my dogs to stop bothering my boyfriend when we have sex?

    If I put them in the porters, they whine and it ruins the mood. If I let them out my Great Dane tries to knock the bedroom door down. And if I leave them in the room my dachshund won't stop climbing on to the bed and my Great Dane gets WAY too curious.…...
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    • How do I get my dogs to stop bothering my boyfriend when we have sex?

      How do I get my dogs to stop bothering my boyfriend when we have sex? Other Pet Discussions
      If I put them in the porters, they whine and it ruins the mood. If I let them out my Great Dane tries to knock the bedroom door down. And if I leave them in the room my dachshund won't stop climbing on to the bed and my Great Dane gets WAY too curious. No matter what I do, they never stop barking.I think they think he's attacking me...

      How do I get my dogs to stop bothering my boyfriend when we have sex?

      How do I get my dogs to stop bothering my boyfriend when we have sex? Other Pet Discussions
    • I'm not sure what "porters" are, I can only guess a kennel, but I would suggest keeping them OUT of the room. If they can't handle being separated from you for that amount of time, they probably suffer fairly extreme separation anxiety. Try researching ways to deal with it... and in the meantime, keep them out of your room and buy earplugs if their whining is killing the mood. I would take whining any day over a great dane that was "WAY too curious."

    • i would let the dogs loose and pretend you're getting together then spray the dogs with a squirt bottle until they leave you alone. my dachunds move to the other side of the bed for awhile. they just want to be near you as usual.

    • Wahaha! Oh, I've had this happen to me, too. What a pain...I would just put them out of the room and ignore them for a while *before* we got serious about anything. Then, once everybody gave up and went to sleep, all was clear. I also think that they wonder what is happening, and if he was hurting me or not. That's the only time my Bossies were ever a problem. I honestly think that if you ignore them long enough, which can be very hard to do, I know, that they will get bored and leave. That, or they'll just get used to it and realize that you always come out of it *mostly* unscathed. *lol*Good luck!Edit: Hahaha! I like paintedrain's answer best...

    • Perhaps wait a little longer than usual between feedings and give them a heaping amount of food to eat prior to spending alone time with your boyfriend. Maybe this will make them sleepy .

    • yeah well a great dane can be pretty menicing when it gets up set. I personally have two cats a border collie and a tiny chipoo. we finally desided when the cats desided they thought that dangly thing was for them to play with that it was time for them to go out side for a while. and the border collie just sits and stares, but i think the chi poo was most interesting. shes so tiny she can wiggle under our bedroom door so we didnt even know she was in the room!! (luckly we were under the covers) she got on the bed and started attacking our feet moving under the covers. it was a bit mood altering to say the least. and i know how the wining kills the mood too (for now shes just a hair too big to fit under our door so she digs and whines the whole time she not in there with us. I'd say either go to his house or maybe put them in the back yard. or treat them as kids. have him pretend to go to the bathroom and then leave the tv going and go join him while there not looking animals are just as smart as children and they are just as easy to sneek off from (even thou this at times is hard too *we now have 3 kids too*) but i think more time with your bf wouldnt hurt them and if all else fails go on a date to a "lookout point" and do it in the car!!! spice things up a bit.

    • you can try having your bf just lay on you (clothes on ) on the floor in livingroom and watch tv and you laying on him too once the dogs see that he isn't hurting you by laying on top of you they will lose interest. It worked on my curious dog now she just lays under our bed.

    • HiMy significant other and I have 7 dogs all together. And most of the time they sleep with us. So they are use to being on the bed. But when we want to be intimate they have been taught to get down off the bed and lie on a blanket on the floor. I know this sounds silly but it works.The dog has to be taught to do this. Make the dog get off the bed, every time they get back on it put them back down on the floor and tell them to stay, it may take several times doing this but they will learn it. It a matter of who is the Alpha dog, you or the dog.Seems the dogs have taught you rather than you teaching the dog.The dogs need to be trained to lie in the floor when told to do so.Thus clearning the bed for us humans who want to have sex.

    • How 5thick ARE you? Shut the dang door! Oh,yeah...there's this really neat magic's called TRAINING!! "SHUT UP" is the first one you need to teach.

    • THis has happened to everyone. Try giving the dogs a Kong to play with. Petsmart sells them, If you're not familiar, they are big, rubber toys with a hole in one end. You fill it with treats and let the dog figure out how to get the treat out by him rolling it around. Be warned though. Once they figure it out, they become VERY good at getting the treats out quickly. I guess you're going to have to have quickies from now on!!