How can I keep my dog from chewing on things when I leave home?

The dog is about 10 months old and doesn't chew on anything when I'm around. If I have to go somewhere or shut her out of a room for a bit, she wants to start chewing on things.

    How can I keep my dog from chewing on things when I leave home?

    The dog is about 10 months old and doesn't chew on anything when I'm around. If I have to go somewhere or shut her out of a room for a bit, she wants to start chewing on things....
    Other Pet Discussions : How can I keep my dog from chewing on things when I leave home?...

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    • How can I keep my dog from chewing on things when I leave home?

      How can I keep my dog from chewing on things when I leave home? Other Pet Discussions
      The dog is about 10 months old and doesn't chew on anything when I'm around. If I have to go somewhere or shut her out of a room for a bit, she wants to start chewing on things.

      How can I keep my dog from chewing on things when I leave home?

      How can I keep my dog from chewing on things when I leave home? Other Pet Discussions
    • Its hard when they are that small they are teething and anything chewable feels good to their gums and teeth!Get them some good rubber chew toys something not real big like maybe a rubber monkey or newspaper!Do not punish them because they are only doing what feels good to them!If you will provide them with plenty of their own toys you should be ok!

    • She is probably experiencing separation anxiety. It's pretty common in dogs. She should be crated when you leave home and let out when you return. Gradually, increase her area. We got a baby gate and confined our dog only to the kitchen. We left lots of chew toys around. Then as he got older we were able to let him have the roam of the house. Your dogs is still a puppy and she doesn't want you to leave because she gets bored. Eventually, she will get through this stage-mine did! Good luck!

    • Use lots of toys and try to re-enforce the proper chewing behavior by replacing the item the pup is trying to chew on with a toy. The pup needs to know it's okay to chew just not on "this" stuff. Crating is a good idea for short periods of time. Puppies shouldn't be left in a crate for long periods of time, unless you want them to pee and poop on themselves. Which makes house breaking a pup by means of crate very difficult. If you don't have a kennel for your pup, get one. Dogs need a place to be able to chill. My dog tore up everything until I got him a dog house. Pet stores also have a bitter apple spray that you can use on stuff that you don't want chewed on. Vinegar and cyan pepper are some home remedies for this also.