How can I prevent my chickens from getting the bird flu?

I just bought chickens this spring and I want to protect them from the bird flu if possible because I don't want it either.

    How can I prevent my chickens from getting the bird flu?

    I just bought chickens this spring and I want to protect them from the bird flu if possible because I don't want it either....
    Other Pet Discussions : How can I prevent my chickens from getting the bird flu?...

    • How can I prevent my chickens from getting the bird flu?

      How can I prevent my chickens from getting the bird flu? Other Pet Discussions
      I just bought chickens this spring and I want to protect them from the bird flu if possible because I don't want it either.

      How can I prevent my chickens from getting the bird flu?

      How can I prevent my chickens from getting the bird flu? Other Pet Discussions
    • you need to keep them indoors at all times and dont let any wild bird in. then once bird flu is detected in your county, discontinue any contact with them as you may inadvetantly bring the flu in on your shoes/close short, if you get it in your area and you dont want it - DONT reality if you use precautions you can safely protect your birds. and yourself

    • I raise chickens and am not worried at this time. There are no known cases infecting flocks in the USA. All hatcheries are keeping a close watch. The main threat is from migrating birds. Let them run.....they'll be happier chickens. Stew