How do I stop my puppy from pooping in the house?

I take her out out 5 or 6 times a day. I have tried not feeding her after a certain time at night. It seems all of my efforts are null and void. I don't want to crate her because of the abuse she suffered at her previous owners hands.

    How do I stop my puppy from pooping in the house?

    I take her out out 5 or 6 times a day. I have tried not feeding her after a certain time at night. It seems all of my efforts are null and void. I don't want to crate her because of the abuse she suffered at her previous owners hands....
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I stop my puppy from pooping in the house?...

    • How do I stop my puppy from pooping in the house?

      How do I stop my puppy from pooping in the house? Other Pet Discussions
      I take her out out 5 or 6 times a day. I have tried not feeding her after a certain time at night. It seems all of my efforts are null and void. I don't want to crate her because of the abuse she suffered at her previous owners hands.

      How do I stop my puppy from pooping in the house?

      How do I stop my puppy from pooping in the house? Other Pet Discussions
    • Buy disposable puppy mats, most pious automatically know to go poop on the may. Make sure you put it where the dog can easily see it, then slowly move it toward a door and eventually out the door the dog will then be pooping outdoors.

    • Take her out: Immediately upon waking, before and after each meal, after she plays, after she naps, every hour, right before bed. Make sure you're taking her out on a leash. House-training doesn't happen overnight, make a schedule for her and be consistent and she will get it.Never use pee pads, they only encourage a dog to eliminate inside. Also, you can use crate training-but start training it with her slow, make sure to make it a positive place for her-somewhere she wants to go.

    • I have a dog from an abused home and she used to go inside all the time (still has accident every once in a blue moon). Crate training DOES work, start with a doggy bed, then a doggy bed with sides, then get a crate with the dog bed inside, put toys and treats, feed her inside the cage, and she will know it's not a bad place. Never force the dog to go in the cage, she will at her own speed. Puppy pads work for some dogs but don't use them for too long.Bring really good treats outside (boiled chicken is good for them and they love it!) and everytime she goes give her one, and praise praise praise! Praising is more effective than discipline. Take her out often, every half hour if you have to, until she knows she needs to go outside! If she goes in the house, take her outside immediately! my dogs understand "go potty" when we are outside, so try that also. Don't give up! You'll get it!

    • I really feel for you. It's a hard process with some breeds. Does she do it when you are around? If so scold her right away so she can associate the action with something bad. Then take he'd outside. Every time she does this take her outside. Let her know how unhappy you are cleaning up poo. Puppies are a full time job and I'm afraid 5-6 times is just not enough. We watch ours constantly & when they go into the hump position, out they Go! Good luck to you!