How do i keep my male cat from humping my female cat who is spayed?

My boy kitty has kept us up at night trying to hump his sister (who has been fixed) he makes funny noises all the time, i know its cause he smells all the cats outside that are in heat, is getting him fixed the only way to keep him from doing it?

    How do i keep my male cat from humping my female cat who is spayed?

    My boy kitty has kept us up at night trying to hump his sister (who has been fixed) he makes funny noises all the time, i know its cause he smells all the cats outside that are in heat, is getting him fixed the only way to keep him from doing it?...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do i keep my male cat from humping my female cat who is spayed?...

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    • How do i keep my male cat from humping my female cat who is spayed?

      How do i keep my male cat from humping my female cat who is spayed? Other Pet Discussions
      My boy kitty has kept us up at night trying to hump his sister (who has been fixed) he makes funny noises all the time, i know its cause he smells all the cats outside that are in heat, is getting him fixed the only way to keep him from doing it?

      How do i keep my male cat from humping my female cat who is spayed?

      How do i keep my male cat from humping my female cat who is spayed? Other Pet Discussions
    • yep...feel sorry 4 ur other cat though aparently cat shagging isnt that pleasurable because they have small barbs on there dick to anchor them in when they r shagging not good. plus tom cats stink untill they have there nuts off

    • Pretty much yeah, but even when he is neutered he will still have humping cravings now and then.I have a female cat and 2 male cats so I know :p, if you have one cat spayed you should also fix the others or else they will still do what nature tells them to do.

    • Boys will be boys. As a vet I can tell you that when boy cats have startto feel the urge its too late. Although, fixing your cat will help, now it's had a taste of the sweets if you get my drift.I recommend having your cat fixed and then isolating him for a couple of days from the female. If he starts up again just spray a little water on him nose to make him understand his bad behavior.with time it will stop trust me.