How do I stop my cat from catching squirrels?

Recently my cat has started catching and killing squirrels. He's fed well and this bothers my 6 yr old son.

    How do I stop my cat from catching squirrels?

    Recently my cat has started catching and killing squirrels. He's fed well and this bothers my 6 yr old son....
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I stop my cat from catching squirrels?...

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    • How do I stop my cat from catching squirrels?

      How do I stop my cat from catching squirrels? Other Pet Discussions
      Recently my cat has started catching and killing squirrels. He's fed well and this bothers my 6 yr old son.

      How do I stop my cat from catching squirrels?

      How do I stop my cat from catching squirrels? Other Pet Discussions
    • Unfortunately I don't think you can stop your cat EXCEPT to keep him/her in the house. Cats are hunters by nature. They are good to have as they keep your house rodent free. And guess what a Squirrel IS a RODENT. There isn't really much you can do. And you may really want to be happy with this happening. Because if you ever get squirrels in your house you got a MAJOR problem. They by far are worse than mice or rats. I'd personally go with keeping it in the house. And since DE-CLAWING was recommended, I would suggest that you RIP your own fingernails OFF FIRST and see if you like it. It is CRUEL. DON'T DO THAT.

    • Really the only way to stop him is to keep him inside. If he is leaving them on your door step or something then you should consider them gifts. My feline always caught little mise and left their headless bodies at the bottom of my bed. Kind of disturbing to wake up to, but she was so proud of herself. But really, cats have the instinct to kill little things and the pride to show them off. So I'm not sure there is a whole lot you can do to prevent it.

    • You Can`t stop an animals instinct ,just prevent it .#1 Don`t let your cat out .#2 keep a litter box in the basement .Explain to your son that cats and other animals ,who don`t have good homes ,have to hunt for their food.We as humans don`t see the pain and torture animals go through to feed us,Do we ?Ed

    • put a bell on his neck. no joke my cat killed bird, bunnys, mice and anything else. you cant make them stop its natural. so the best you can do is warn the animals he/she is coming. ps~ dont declaw it, then you will be asking... how do i stop squrrels from attacking or killing my cat. cuz hell still want them but wont be abel to defend himself.

    • You could try fitting the cat with a collar that has a bell on it. The idea is that everytime the cat moves the bell make noise and the squirrels will get much more advance warning of its approach and be able to scram.Household cats, and in particular wild cats - which had started out as housecats - are responsible for the death of millions of birds and other wild animals and also get diseases that are passed to wild animals via their feces and urine. It's a big ecological problem.

    • Feed him a more tasty meal!!!Also cat have a killer instinct. They are felines and they enjoy a living meal . You shoul by them a toy mouse the ones that can run for him to chase.

    • as long as the cat is fenced in (backyard fence), and there is no chace of escape, let a cat be a cat. If he could escape, try keeping him inside and monitoring him whilehe's outside.