How many degrees does an incubator have to be in order to keep duck eggs warm?

I have chickens, ducks, and roosters and the Call ducks are starting to lay. My dad got out the incubator earlier today and we're trying to hatch Calls. He can't remember what temepature it's supposed to go up to, all's that he knows is that chickens…

    How many degrees does an incubator have to be in order to keep duck eggs warm?

    I have chickens, ducks, and roosters and the Call ducks are starting to lay. My dad got out the incubator earlier today and we're trying to hatch Calls. He can't remember what temepature it's supposed to go up to, all's that he knows is that chickens…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How many degrees does an incubator have to be in order to keep duck eggs warm?...

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    • How many degrees does an incubator have to be in order to keep duck eggs warm?

      How many degrees does an incubator have to be in order to keep duck eggs warm? Other Pet Discussions
      I have chickens, ducks, and roosters and the Call ducks are starting to lay. My dad got out the incubator earlier today and we're trying to hatch Calls. He can't remember what temepature it's supposed to go up to, all's that he knows is that chickens keep their eggs warm to about 90'F+.

      How many degrees does an incubator have to be in order to keep duck eggs warm?

      How many degrees does an incubator have to be in order to keep duck eggs warm? Other Pet Discussions
    • During the warm-up period, the temperature should be adjusted to hold a constant 101°F for still air, 99°- 100°F for forced air. To obtain reliable readings, the bulb of the thermometer should be at the same height as the tops of the eggs and away from the source of heat. Using two thermometers is a good idea to ensure you are getting an accurate reading. Incubator temperature should be maintained between 99° and 100°F. The acceptable range is 97° to 102°F. Mortality is seen if the temperature drops below 96°F or rises above 103°F for a number of hours. If the temperature stays at either extreme for several days, the eggs may not hatch. Overheating is more critical than underheating. Running the incubator at 105°F for 15 minutes will seriously affect the embryos, while running it at 95° for 3 or 4 hours will only slow the chick's metabolic rate. An incubator should be operated in a location free from drafts and direct sunlight. An incubator should also be operated for several hours with water placed in a pan to stabilize its internal atmosphere before fertile eggs are set. Do not adjust the heat upward during the first 48 hours after eggs are set. This practice cooks many eggs. The eggs will take time to warm to incubator temperature and many times in small incubators the incubator temperature will drop below 98°F for the first 6-8 hours or until the egg warms to 99°-100°F.