How do I get my dog to stop sniffing peoples crotches when he meets them?

Mostly he sniff's the ladies and it is embarising and I can tell they are a litte embarassed too. I try pulling away but not be be too ovious when he is on the leesh.

    How do I get my dog to stop sniffing peoples crotches when he meets them?

    Mostly he sniff's the ladies and it is embarising and I can tell they are a litte embarassed too. I try pulling away but not be be too ovious when he is on the leesh....
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    • How do I get my dog to stop sniffing peoples crotches when he meets them?

      How do I get my dog to stop sniffing peoples crotches when he meets them? Other Pet Discussions
      Mostly he sniff's the ladies and it is embarising and I can tell they are a litte embarassed too. I try pulling away but not be be too ovious when he is on the leesh.

      How do I get my dog to stop sniffing peoples crotches when he meets them?

      How do I get my dog to stop sniffing peoples crotches when he meets them? Other Pet Discussions
    • lol..that is hilarious..i always thought that dogs smelled people's privates when they had not showered or something because the scent is stronger! so i would say....these people need to shower...

    • He's a dog... thats how they say hi! He's not embarressed, why are you??! Think about it, what do dogs do when they come up to another dog... they sniff each others butts! Thats just what they do! I have a male dog too, and guess what... he's a crotch sniffer too. I tell him no, but he conviently forgets every time! LOL! Good luck!

    • He is probably just being nice. Thats how dogs say hello. (But they do sniff the butt.) Well how old is your dog? If he's young then he'll probably grow out of it. But if not then try getting his attenetion with toys and other fun dog stuff. But give him toys and stuff before he does that sniffing thing or else your rewarding him for what he's doing.

    • My dog does the same thing. Considerdog training classes to break him ofthe habit.However I will tell you that we did thatwith my one (1) year old chocolate lab andhe still sniffs both men and women. We ofcourse correct him, but it takes time andthere isn't a sure fire fast fix for this.Dogs are only doing what comes natural becauseyour sent is unique and this is the way thatthey greet each other and attempt to find outif you have been some where.Of course your visitors are new to them and asa result, the desire to sniff them is stronger.

    • There isn't really anyway to stop them from doing that unless everytime he did it you had some kind of punishment that he would recieve that you have to administer EVERY time he does it. But it'll be hard cuz dogs use their sense of smell to go through the world and the smell crotches cuz its the strongest smell that bodies produce.

    • That's how dog's say hi. Best way to counteract this, is to teach your dog an alternative behavior; ie sit. If your dog is sitting when he greets someone, he can't smell your guest

    • Much like the former answers given, I will tell you that it is a completely natural action for a dog. Dogs smell one anothers genitals and rear end as a way of learning valuable information about one another (think name, age, gender, health, and phone number ;) ).However, this is not an acceptable behavior when it is applied toward the human species. Since your dog must be of good size to reach people's nether regions, my recommendation would be to use a correction collar (choke collar). Before you whiny "animal loving" people innundate me with your ignorant whining, please note that these collars, when used correctly, cause no damage to the animal. Many people hear the word "choke collar", and curl up in a ball of self-rightousness, never realizing that it is ten-thousand times more cruel not to properly train your dog, and ultimately cause it to lose its life (getting hit by a car, biting someone and being put to sleep, the list goes on and on). Find yourself a book on dog training and behavior, and follow the directions without fail. If you feel you cannot do that on your own, maybe the two of you should enroll yourself in a obedience training course.Oh... and taking a shower has nothing to do with whether a dog will "sniff your crotch". It mostly has to do with a dog that needs to be trained in "people manners".