How do I get my cat to stop drinking from the faucet?

I have a 5 year old cat that up until about a year and a half ago had no problem drinking from her water bowl. Now, the only way I can get her to drink is if it is from a running faucet. She actually beats me to the bathroom each morning and jumps up on…

    How do I get my cat to stop drinking from the faucet?

    I have a 5 year old cat that up until about a year and a half ago had no problem drinking from her water bowl. Now, the only way I can get her to drink is if it is from a running faucet. She actually beats me to the bathroom each morning and jumps up on…...
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    • How do I get my cat to stop drinking from the faucet?

      How do I get my cat to stop drinking from the faucet? Other Pet Discussions
      I have a 5 year old cat that up until about a year and a half ago had no problem drinking from her water bowl. Now, the only way I can get her to drink is if it is from a running faucet. She actually beats me to the bathroom each morning and jumps up on the counter and starts meowing. Eight months ago, I moved and with the move bought a cat water fountain. All was well for the first couple of months. Then she discovered where water comes from and will not drink from the fountain and we are back to her old faucet games. She has gotten to the point now where she will walk over to us, meow, and run into the bathroom. If we don't follow her, she just repeats until we get up and turn the faucet on for her. I am not as concerned by the annoying factor as much as I don't know if she is getting enough water during the day. Any advice on how to ween her would be greatthanks!thanks everyone. To clarify a few things1) we do have a fountain and she won't drink from it. 2) she is a Perisan mix and I can't use full on bowls as she can't get her little smooshed face in there3) I don't have objections to her drinking from the faucet, I would rather have her drink from her own "place"4) I guess it really is her world and I just live in it5) comments about kicking her - any any other animal for that matter - just show how civilized some people arethank you again for all your advice!

      How do I get my cat to stop drinking from the faucet?

      How do I get my cat to stop drinking from the faucet? Other Pet Discussions
    • If she has access to water ( other than the faucet,) she can drink whenever she wants.May be it is just a habit I personally thinks it's quite cute!At the age of five...she is too wise to change habits unless she wants to...I am sorry cant't think of anything to help you!

    • Try changing her water bowl. She might just like the water fresher. Try a new bowl and change the water every morning when you wake up. What you can also do if you are concerned about her getting enough water during the day is leave the faucet on,just enough for a drip of water to run down so that she can satisfy her trust until you get homegood luck

    • It sounds like an emotional problem more so than a preference for faucet water. She may revert to the old habits as a way of relieving stress. Talk to your veterinarian about treatment. Also, make sure the filter in the fountain is always clean, and replaced regularly per product instructions. Cats do prefer fresh, aerated water. Good luck!

    • Weird, but one of our cats years ago never drank out of a bowl, but only a faucet too. Anyway, I would leave several bowls of water around for her, different shapes and sizes. When she starts the meowing and wanting a drink, take her to one of the bowls and be consistant. She'll get it and she will drink when she is thirsty. Give her a kitty treat, Pet her and praise her when she drinks from the bowl. Just don't turn on the faucet when she asks. None of our cats would drink out of the fountain we bought for whatever reason. They would however, drink out of the toilet instead. So, now we keep lids down and went back to bowls.

    • I dont really understand why you object to her drinking from the faucet? It sounds quite cute, and that's where you get her water from anyways. I think it would be more effort to 'ween' her than to let her have her little quirk, especially when its harmless!

    • it is because some cats like fresh running water. you can but a small cat drinking fountain from pet shops which runs fresh water at all times, you should try this

    • Your cat has you trained well!Think about it-why drink from a dish when you have your own maid who will come to your beckon call and turn the faucet on for you!!!! Your cat's a lazy bones!Put fresh water out in clean bowls in several places for your cat throughout your home.My Siamese likes to drink out of the taps as well even though he has fresh water daily throughout the house-he's just a lazy bones and at that moment in time cannot be bothered walking 2 feet when there is water available right there! ( I asked my vet when this first happened and he verified what I have just told you)CATS RULE AND DOGS DROOL!!!!!

    • I do not think that you are going to change the cat's mind about this. Cats are smart and she has figured out that the faucet is where you get your water and now she does not want anything else. We had a cat that at two years old started to use the toilet and soon would have nothing to do with the litter box. We tried everything but the cat never did go to the box again. We just left the door open and the seat top up.You just might have to leave a drip going for her if you do no want to be at her beck and call. Since she comes when she sees you at the faucet just let her get a good drink and be done with it.

    • I have a cat that used to do the same thing.What my mom finally did was stopped turning on the faucet. She would just ignore the cat, Tigger, and do something else in the bathroom while he waited. It seems harsh but it works. Now when he didn't get water from the faucet he would follow my mom downstairs and my mom would get the cat dish and fill it full of cold water and sit it down in the floor and give it to him. After a about a week and a half he relized that the only way he could get water was to go downstairs to the water dish.Hope this helps.