Is there a way to stop cats from bringing you dead animal presents?

I ahve a female calico.She is so annoying!She ALWAYS brings dead aniomals on the porch.It's so revolting.Is there a way to stop her? YES or NO?

    Is there a way to stop cats from bringing you dead animal presents?

    I ahve a female calico.She is so annoying!She ALWAYS brings dead aniomals on the porch.It's so revolting.Is there a way to stop her? YES or NO?...
    Other Pet Discussions : Is there a way to stop cats from bringing you dead animal presents?...

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    • Is there a way to stop cats from bringing you dead animal presents?

      Is there a way to stop cats from bringing you dead animal presents? Other Pet Discussions
      I ahve a female calico.She is so annoying!She ALWAYS brings dead aniomals on the porch.It's so revolting.Is there a way to stop her? YES or NO?

      Is there a way to stop cats from bringing you dead animal presents?

      Is there a way to stop cats from bringing you dead animal presents? Other Pet Discussions
    • I was never able to figure that beloved kitty always left me things. I miss her terribly, but I know she loved me...otherwise she wouldn't have done it!

    • Make her a indoor cat, she is only trying to be nice to you and bring you presents, If you care for her saftey she needs to be a indoor spayed female cat anyway.

    • Dead? I'd say you are lucky - my cat brings in live animals. We have had approximately 30 field mice, one baby rabbit, one snake, several locusts. All were alive. I guess she just wanted to play! and the season has just begun!!!!! never a dull moment.

    • No you can't stop her unless you keep her inside always. The cat is bringing this to you as a gift. They want to take care of the ones they love so they catch them food and bring it to them.Never scold a cat for doing this!Your cat loves you is why she is doing this. If she licks you, then that is the ultimate sign of love.

    • Be kind and courteous to kitty.They really really mean to present that thing to you as a gift. they are being nice to nice back.get a paper towel and pick it up and then praise the kitty for the generous gift.I love pics of my friends polydactyl cat and some local ferel cats on my blog

    • I'm sure there is a way to stop her, but consider it a sign of love. She loves you enough to catch something and give it up to you instead of eating it herself. This is a very selfless act.

    • NO! You shouldnt even try. She is just doing her part to feed the pride. You should tell her how good a cat she is and then throw the dead animal in the trash can.

    • No. There is no way to stop her except to keep her in the house.Hunting is natural to the cat. It's part of what makes a cat a cat. She is proud of her special skill and wants to share her prize with you because you are an important part of her life. She also hopes for praise for what a good provider she is.Acting disgusted will hurt her feeling and make her feel that she didn't do a good enough job to please you. It will NOT discourage her from hunting.Tell her what a good hunter she is and thank you so much! Then, dispose of the gift discretely.