How can there be a God when good dogs die?

I just had to put down my 3 year old Aussie. What a great dog. Certified in Pet Therapy, has brought two people out of coma's, and brought dozens of people happiness in the hospital. Some higher power decided to give this dog an unknown, can't be…

    How can there be a God when good dogs die?

    I just had to put down my 3 year old Aussie. What a great dog. Certified in Pet Therapy, has brought two people out of coma's, and brought dozens of people happiness in the hospital. Some higher power decided to give this dog an unknown, can't be…...
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    • Butterfly wings: in ten years time you will know why your good dog died so young, until then be sad. Be very, very sad. In some countries mourners are even hired to take you to the very nadir of despair.Sadness is the foil in which happiness is set. No day, no night! No pain, no insight! Your dog died so that you might feel echoes of love throughout the whole rest of your life should you be open to perceiving them. There is no right or wrong in this universe we live in, only relative ups and downs. God is a construct designed to instruct little children about how to live. As an entity, he or she does not, has not and will never exist. The great irony here, however, is that your beloved dog did exist. Enjoy his memory. It plays upon the mirror neurons in your brain to make you a more loving person. The tail that wagged for you now waxes lovingly in your brain. Love hurts! Don't try to get over it, now! Revel in the pain for awhile. To know real love, you need to know real pain. Some distant day, the love will come back to you in little packets that will make your life more joy-filled for the rest of your days.P.S. You could have been a sociopath and never given a damn! Forget about God! You are the master of your whole known universe! This stop: tragedy. Next stop: enlightenment.

    • Everyone and everything is here for a purpose, His purpose was done and it was his time to move on. He brought you joy while he was here, so remember the good and just believe he is in a better place now and out of pain.