What usually causes a dog to throw up?

My Vet told me, if my dog throws up once a month, it's nothing to worry about. So, when is it time to worry?

    What usually causes a dog to throw up?

    My Vet told me, if my dog throws up once a month, it's nothing to worry about. So, when is it time to worry?...
    Other Pet Discussions : What usually causes a dog to throw up?...

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    • What usually causes a dog to throw up?

      What usually causes a dog to throw up? Other Pet Discussions
      My Vet told me, if my dog throws up once a month, it's nothing to worry about. So, when is it time to worry?

      What usually causes a dog to throw up?

      What usually causes a dog to throw up? Other Pet Discussions
    • I have two of my own dogs and two cats....and each one of them hairballs or throws up at least twice a month. If your dog is an inside dog, throwing up can be cause by hair or fur or dust in the air...or even eating to much. But if your dog is an outside dog those same things apply. But the most comman reason for a dog to throw up is because of the eating and digestion of grass. Really its nothing to worry about, just make sure hes in good health and gets check ups 1 time a year.

    • I suspect it ates something that did not agree with it. that is usually the cause for such. Here is a URL that you could also look at.. It is a GREAT URL concerning dogs and dog illneses, etc.http://www.srdogs.com/Pages/care.gt.html

    • Once a month is not bad. It's probably got hair or grass that he's trying to expel. If he starts vomiting more frequently or starts and won't stop, take him to a vet. Also watch his water and food intake. If they go down or stop, take to a vet. If your vet said nothing to worry about, believe your vet.

    • My dog throws up occasionally for many reasons: hairball, ate too fast, whatever. I usually give her white rice mixed with cottage cheese or dog food for one or two meals afterward just to help settle her stomach.If your dog vomits more than once or twice in a single day, starts acting sick, like not as energetic as usual, not interested in food or water, then you can worry.