How can I teach my cat to stop jumping on the dinner table?

My cat (casper) likes to jump on my dinner table and sleep on it, she wont move for nothing and i tryed to move the table in differnt places I even got her, her own cat bed and she still sleeps on the table, shoot I even when as far as getting a new…

    How can I teach my cat to stop jumping on the dinner table?

    My cat (casper) likes to jump on my dinner table and sleep on it, she wont move for nothing and i tryed to move the table in differnt places I even got her, her own cat bed and she still sleeps on the table, shoot I even when as far as getting a new…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How can I teach my cat to stop jumping on the dinner table?...

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    • everytime it gets on the table shoot it with a squrit gun,it will stop.

    • The water bottle method often works, but if she sees you're the one shooting her with water, she'll just know not to get up there when you're around. When you're out she'll be lounging on the table like before. Try and hide when you squirt her, so she doesn't know where the water is coming from. The double sided tape and foil ideas are great, too. Another method: put something up there with a smell that cats hate. My personal favourite is lemon slices - they're cheap, they smell nice to humans, but not to cats. You can also put a perfumed air freshener up there. She'll eventually realise the table's not such a great place to be and will stop getting up there.Good luck!