What is the difference between a regular betta from a crown tail betta?

I'm getting a betta fish today from PetSmart. I called and the guy said he had females, males, and crow tail bettas. What is the difference between a regular betta from a crown tail betta? Which one is better to get?

    What is the difference between a regular betta from a crown tail betta?

    I'm getting a betta fish today from PetSmart. I called and the guy said he had females, males, and crow tail bettas. What is the difference between a regular betta from a crown tail betta? Which one is better to get? ...
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    • What is the difference between a regular betta from a crown tail betta?

      What is the difference between a regular betta from a crown tail betta? Other Pet Discussions
      I'm getting a betta fish today from PetSmart. I called and the guy said he had females, males, and crow tail bettas. What is the difference between a regular betta from a crown tail betta? Which one is better to get?

      What is the difference between a regular betta from a crown tail betta?

      What is the difference between a regular betta from a crown tail betta? Other Pet Discussions
    • Regular Betta splendens have a basically fan shaped tail, while the Crowntail variety has a spiked tail with a crown like appearance.Check the gallery on the following site.FYI: Not all Betta species are the same, although there are many varieties of Betta splendens. See the second site below for known species.

    • The regular betta is a veil tail.The only difference is how they look.. and I THINK crown tails are not as likely to get fin rot. Veil tails are also much more common than crown tails.Here are some pictures of veil tail bettas:http://www.timsalphabettas.com/fish/petstoreveiltail.jpgandhttp://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/hounslowfish/webdoc16.htg/Red%20Betta.gifCrown Tail:http://www.bettas-jimsonnier.com/images/cBlueCT+.jpgandhttp://www.liveaquaria.com/images/categories/product/p-89710-crown-tail-betta.jpgEDIT: Why did everyone get a thumbs down? All the answers on here are appropriate

    • Crowntail betta has spiky fins..Regular betta is usually known as "veiltail".. really ugly..Veiltail Bettahttp://image57.webshots.com/757/4/29/35/2546429350047005191SQtwIb_fs.jpgCrowntail Bettahttp://www.fishdeals.com/anabantids/gallery/CrownTail_Betta.jpgnext kind, is the more expensive one. Known as Halfmoon..This should be one of the most expensive breed in bettas...Whereby his fins SPREADS 180 degreeds and looks very stunning..http://ebetta.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/03/halfmoonbetta.jpgThere's another kind.. Known as plakat.. Whereby his fins are really small... This breed isn't very commonly use to CHARM people.. This is mostly for fighting purposes in Thailand.. They breed plakats to FIGHT. These breed is trains for SPEED and aggression.. http://img.alibaba.com/photo/12011335/Live_Betta_Plakat_Exotic_Color_Red_Dragon.jpgLastly, the rarest of them all...Not very commonly seen is known as the DOUBLE TAIL BETTA!!Its a little deformed but in a very nice way!http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/31/Double_tail_betta.jpgNOw u know all of the bettas...Good luck with this HOBBY EH!!Btw, all bettas are the same. Some prefer bigger finages, some prefer smaller..Its up to your own preferences...Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. =)

    • Well, veil tails and crown tails have 2 different tail types. Crown tails also tend to e a bit more aggressive. Here is what a crown tail betta look like (Note:This is only what the tail look like, they come in many colors) http://donnieshobbies.com/images/image104.jpgI just look at all the Betta's, crown tail and veil tail and get the one I live best, so it really doesn't matter which one you get, just get the ne you like!