How much Decon would it take to kill a jack russel?

My jack russel terrier ate about two little tablets of the decon mouse poison stuff. My dog weighs about 14 pounds, and there is no way to get that dog to puke.Help me?

    How much Decon would it take to kill a jack russel?

    My jack russel terrier ate about two little tablets of the decon mouse poison stuff. My dog weighs about 14 pounds, and there is no way to get that dog to puke.Help me?...
    Other Pet Discussions : How much Decon would it take to kill a jack russel?...

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    • How much Decon would it take to kill a jack russel?

      How much Decon would it take to kill a jack russel? Other Pet Discussions
      My jack russel terrier ate about two little tablets of the decon mouse poison stuff. My dog weighs about 14 pounds, and there is no way to get that dog to puke.Help me?

      How much Decon would it take to kill a jack russel?

      How much Decon would it take to kill a jack russel? Other Pet Discussions
    • Emergency vet NOW. Your dog needs a Vit K injection followed up with tablets for 4 weeks.The vet will do an ACT test on your dog to establish how long it takes for the blood to clot.

    • Dancing Girl...You've got to get 1 or 2 tablespoons of 3% (no higher) hydrogen peroxide into him. If you don't have a syringe on hand, look for either a Turkey Baster in your kitchen, a water bottle with a drink spout (not just a twist-off cap), or a baby bulb syringe (the little rubber syringe used to clean babies' noses). Get it into his mouth, hold his muzzle closed, tilt his head up slightly and gently rub his throat to encourage him to swallow. Once you get this down, be prepared...vomiting usually occurs within about 5 minutes...and be careful to clean it don't want your dog to accidentally re-ingest it. It is wise to confine your dog when you are doing this, to a bathroom and close the door -- if you can get him into a bathtub, cleaning up is much easier.But...vomiting does not cure the may reduce the amount of chemicals in his system, but it does not remove them entirely!You also HAVE to get your dog to a vet immediately to begin Vitamin K injections. Mouse or rat poisons don't kill immediately. It usually takes about 36 hours for the chemicals in mouse/rat poison to begin their killing progression. It starts by stopping the blood from clotting. As time passes, the clotting factor continues to breakdown until it is completely destroyed. It is at that time that your dog WILL die painfully from internal bleeding. This can take 3-4 days to about a week or longer.Vitamin K injections slow and ultimately reverse this progression in your dog -- it builds back up the clotting capability in the blood, but you need to get him started on them ASAP. The longer you wait, the more intense the treatment becomes to try to save him.DO NOT WAIT -- and when you go to the vet, take the package of the poison with you so the doctor can confirm the specific chemicals appropriate amounts for immediate treatment can begin.Good luck!