How do I keep my aquarium cool in the hot weather?

The hot weather forces the temp of the water up, its got very high and Im worried the fish will die. Ive tried putting bottles of ice in there but thet melt quickly and dont bring the water temp down.

    How do I keep my aquarium cool in the hot weather?

    The hot weather forces the temp of the water up, its got very high and Im worried the fish will die. Ive tried putting bottles of ice in there but thet melt quickly and dont bring the water temp down....
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    • How do I keep my aquarium cool in the hot weather?

      How do I keep my aquarium cool in the hot weather? Other Pet Discussions
      The hot weather forces the temp of the water up, its got very high and Im worried the fish will die. Ive tried putting bottles of ice in there but thet melt quickly and dont bring the water temp down.

      How do I keep my aquarium cool in the hot weather?

      How do I keep my aquarium cool in the hot weather? Other Pet Discussions
    • turn down your heaters if it gets a lot of sun try covering half window to keep sun off you mite try a small fan to move the air on the outside of your tanks

    • You don't mention what kind of aquarium or fish or if you have a heater so we'll asume some things.I assume they are tropical fish and it's about a ten gallon tank. If thats true your water temperature should be about 80 degrees, 82 if any fish are sick.If your temperature gets to hot you must live in a mighty hot place.How ever the temperature is where ever you have the tank so goes the water temp.In other words how ever you keep the heat where you are to be comforatable,so goes the water you stay in a room with the heat at 80 degrees or more?If you have a heater for your tank for regulation of temp. check that,the little points in there could be stuck on,if so get new heater.Do you have a water filter that moves the water?Do you have an air pump that puts air bubbles in the tank,you should.If you really stay in a room thats over 80 degrees try putting the tank near an open window,not where the sun shines in that will make algae grow very fast in your tank.ok with out more detail thats it.If you want e-mail me with details for a solution(all tank and fish details)Good luck to you and the fish.

    • Don't worry, Firstly keep your tank in a well ventilated area, preferably near a door, so that it stays cool, switch off the tank light and keep away from sunlight, you must remember that a fish can withstand temperatures of about 30 - 34, after that they start cooking, you start by putting ice bottles in the tank. Or even try ice cubes, u gonna need a hell of a lot, or the best of all is do a water change, remove about 25 litres, and replace with cold running water. But try keeping your tank and or area where your tank is cool and dark, by dark I mean no lights, because the light will also push up the heat,that way your tank temp will also stay constant. Well I hope this will sort out your dilemma.

    • I leave the covers open and have a fan blowing across the tank. The evaporation of the water in the tank will keep it cool. Mine stay at about 77, even when the temp in the house is 80+. Just remember to keep some treated water on hand to top off the tank as the water level drops.

    • Hi. The information given above is good information. I would like to let you know that there are water coolers available for aquariums. Remember to measure your water values, variation on temperature may affect the pH and other substances in water.If you don't have the kit to take the value of water you can get it at your pet shop.