what is the best way to potty train a young puppy?

Shes a very small dog, and shes only 5 weeks old. Its like she is not catching on. When she uses the bathroom in the house, i pick her up right away and put her on her puppy pad. I also take her outside often, but she cries because the ground is cold. I…

    what is the best way to potty train a young puppy?

    Shes a very small dog, and shes only 5 weeks old. Its like she is not catching on. When she uses the bathroom in the house, i pick her up right away and put her on her puppy pad. I also take her outside often, but she cries because the ground is cold. I…...
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    • what is the best way to potty train a young puppy?

      what is the best way to potty train a young puppy? Other Pet Discussions
      Shes a very small dog, and shes only 5 weeks old. Its like she is not catching on. When she uses the bathroom in the house, i pick her up right away and put her on her puppy pad. I also take her outside often, but she cries because the ground is cold. I really dont know what to do anymore.

      what is the best way to potty train a young puppy?

      what is the best way to potty train a young puppy? Other Pet Discussions
    • I also have a short haired dog that crys outside...although hes 4 :) big baby..but I leave him alone (fenced in yard of course) and have wood chips on the ground keeps from killing the grass and its not as cold as snow...This is cool its a video info from Iams:http://hpmsweb1.com/content/1380_9293_3/IAMS_Puppy_Housebreaking.htmMore puppy stuff at http://www.iams.com/en_US/jhtmls/smartpuppy/sw_Smartpuppy_Index_Page.jhtmlAlso yahoo has a ton of info about dogs and other pets.

    • Find a product in your pet store that removes urine from your floors....even if you can't smell it, she can.Moving her to the pad is great! When she goes on it, give her lots of love with petting and verbal reward. You may even try the positive attention if you move her to the pad, but she is finished with her business, she will start to relate going potty with the pad and that going there makes you happy.I'm not a fan of locking them in the crate, just my opinon. The crate is the safe place for your puppy, her little den.