What is the craziest thing your cat has ever done?

Everynight my cat used to hurl herself at the sliding door of a closet in order to open the door so she could get into a closed carboard box which contained a ziplock bag full of fishtank marbles. She then proceeded to tear open the bag and carry a…

    What is the craziest thing your cat has ever done?

    Everynight my cat used to hurl herself at the sliding door of a closet in order to open the door so she could get into a closed carboard box which contained a ziplock bag full of fishtank marbles. She then proceeded to tear open the bag and carry a…...
    Other Pet Discussions : What is the craziest thing your cat has ever done?...

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    • What is the craziest thing your cat has ever done?

      What is the craziest thing your cat has ever done? Other Pet Discussions
      Everynight my cat used to hurl herself at the sliding door of a closet in order to open the door so she could get into a closed carboard box which contained a ziplock bag full of fishtank marbles. She then proceeded to tear open the bag and carry a marble into the bathroom where she played with it by batting it against the walls and tub. When she lost the marble she would retreive another one. When I finally got rid of all the marbles she proceeded to find loose change and use it. Sometimes she would put the marbles and change in my shoes as well. I swear this is a true story!

      What is the craziest thing your cat has ever done?

      What is the craziest thing your cat has ever done? Other Pet Discussions
    • I've seen my cat take on 4 Dobermen and come out alive. I was running from them, he stood and took them on. It was a friend's house up the road from me, and he had forgotten to lock up the dogs.

    • Our cats' favorite thing was the ping pong ball in the tub! They would spend hours batting that thing around.It's hard to pick the craziest thing, but here are some things they've done over the years:1) Two of our cats used to climb up the inside of the Christmas tree and sleep on the top limbs during the night, knocking off a bunch of ornaments and breaking branches.2) One of the cats used to climb inside of empty Pepsi 24-pack "cubes" and sleep in there. When he was smaller, he'd sleep in the 12-packs.3) One of the outside cats used to hide and wait for the squirrels all the time, then try to ambush them. But the squirrels would stand their ground and freak the cat out, then chase after her.4) At our old house in Florida, two of the cats would climb up on the roof and stand on the front corners of the roof, looking down at everyone. They looked just like gargoyles.5) While unloading groceries, one of the cats climbed in the open car door and hid. It was -10 degrees outside, and I didn't find him until the next day, asleep in the floor.6) While two cats were boarded at the vet's during a vacataion, one of them unlocked the cage in the middle of the night and rummaged through the vet's office. She got into several different bottles of medicine, some iodine, and a box of plaster.7) One cat would sleep on top of a 2nd floor banister. She fell off several times, dropping over 15 feet to the bottom of the stairs but was never injured.8) One cat would stalk the squirrels for several hours during the summer, lying in the tall grass. He would be so perfectly still, the mosquitos would attack him en masse. He had so many mosquito bites one time, he had to be treated for loss of blood (iron deficiency) at the vet's.9) One cat would sneak into a hamster cage and use it as a litter box WHILE THE HAMSTER WAS LIVING IN THERE.

    • Our oldest tom likes fresh water. He will sit in the sink and turn on the tap water to get a drink directly from the faucet.He noticed one day that when there is a piece of cat food in the kitchen watering dish that the humans are more likely to empty it and get fresh water. Now he picks up a single piece of food when nobody is looking and drops it into the water dish.The same cat would team up with one of the other cats (who could stick a paw under a door). He would get on his hind legs and twist the door handle while the other cat opened the door.One of the female cats likes to play “stairway ball” at night. She will bounce a ball down the stairs and then race to catch it at the bottom. She then carried it back up the stairs to go again.The other female like to ride on the back of the rocking chair while a human sits in it and rocks.The younger male is the least cat-like. He was a “saved” bottle fed kitten. At three years old, he still shows up at bedtime with his “blanket” and makes bread between the pillows until both humans arrive. He then lies down and purrs until he falls asleep. He had a small stuffed animal as a kitten. All that is left is the head, which the cat carries around while “talking to it” when it is feeling neglected.

    • It was this Hobbes, my tiger , that pretended dead when ever someone was around.We have a good time , but my mom and dad think i am crazy.xx- Stupendous Man

    • Sometimes she runs like crazy. One time, she ran down the basement, jumped on a table, jumped on top of a TV on the table, then from there looked out a window with her front feet on a mattress on its side, supported by the table and the wall.She would look for anything it could hunt. Sometimes, she looks at the television in our living room and sees animals running across the screen, and looks at them voraciously.

    • i was sleeping with Snoop beside me when suddenly his claws were out, got me scratches (that of course woke me), moved his legs and arms like he was fighting, then sat up real quick, opened his eyes and looked around on a hunt. it's as if he woke up from a bad dream. crazy!

    • he goes all sedret agent on me. he will sit behind a chair, then when i get all comfy on my bed, he will look at me, and when he sees i see him, he ducks behind the chair so i cant see him anymore. then he'll peek around for a little bit, about 4 times a minute, then i'll softly call his name, and he'll meow REALLY loud and run from behind it and jump on my bed, then when i raise my arm to pet him, he runs away like his life is on the line.

    • Mine watches football and baseball with me. She won't watch TV unless football or baseball is on for some reason. Oh wait, she'll help my brother and dad play Halo 2. She likes to either sit on their laps and watch the game or go right up to the TV and try to bat at the bad guys. She doesn't do that for any of their other games... just Halo.

    • When my cat was a kitten, she somehow would get on the top of my clothes hanging in my closet and walk across them. I swear I have pictures. It was so funny. Also, when it's really cold out, during the night, she'll go under the covers of my bed starting at the foot of the bed, and crawl up and stick just her head out of the covers, like a person. She also likes to lay on top of the couch with two paws on one side and two paws on the other side and will bat at me, the pillow anything, the couch itself like crazy. She kinda shakes her head from side to side before batting. She'll also stand on her back legs like a little person and bat into the air, especially if there is a spider or something on the ceiling. Actually, I think she doesn't know she is a cat, since she's the only one I have. She thinks she is a person.

    • My cat love to jump up on the walls, he will also figure out how to turn on/off light switches. He also loves to drink water out of the glass I keep on my night stand.