What is the best way to travell with cats by car ?

I have to move into a new house, which is 1.5 hrs far from my house.I would like to give the best pos for my cats,and i would like to feel this is the most safety way,too.For us and for cats,too.

    What is the best way to travell with cats by car ?

    I have to move into a new house, which is 1.5 hrs far from my house.I would like to give the best pos for my cats,and i would like to feel this is the most safety way,too.For us and for cats,too....
    Other Pet Discussions : What is the best way to travell with cats by car ?...

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    • What is the best way to travell with cats by car ?

      What is the best way to travell with cats by car ? Other Pet Discussions
      I have to move into a new house, which is 1.5 hrs far from my house.I would like to give the best pos for my cats,and i would like to feel this is the most safety way,too.For us and for cats,too.

      What is the best way to travell with cats by car ?

      What is the best way to travell with cats by car ? Other Pet Discussions
    • I would definitely place them in carriers. Place a towel or something soft on the bottom for them to be comfortable. They will meow for a bit, but they get used to it quickly. Most cats hate to ride, so leaving them out to roam free would be not good for your cats or you either.

    • Get a small pet carrier, on small enought where your cat can barely turn around. If it is the kind with the wire door, turn it so that your cat cant reack out and scratch anything, which from my experience, they will! My cat is sooo sweet and nice, but if I ever have to take her anywhere in the care she becomes a DEMON!!! The smaller the pet carrier, the less your cat can be slung around and the more safe she will feel.

    • 1.5 hours drive with your cats won't be a problem- they will meow the whole time, but they will be just fine! I don't know how many cats you have, but usually you can just put them in a small carrier and go- don't worry about putting a litter box or water in the carrier, the drive is short enough that it won't be necessary. I've moved my cat several times, and it's always the same, the meowing is the worst part! Whatever you do, do NOT let the cats roam free in the car, it's very dangerous! Good luck!

    • Your a sick and twisted and disturbed human being! how about someone tie you to a bumper and drag you for an hour and a half!!!......To answer the ? My family always just gave our cats dramimine a quarter of a pill and they slept the whole time or put them in a cat carrier they'll be ok They'll cry but they'll be happy once ya get to the new hm! we traveled for 13 hrs from new orleans to illinois with the cats in carriers! Well i hope this helps! Good luck

    • OK this is what u do u get a really big cage and stuff all of your cats favorite toys and a snack with a little bit of water in a bottle and make shure u dont try 2 be so ruff on the road. check ur cat every 15-30 min. its the best way 2 make sho nothing spills

    • You must have a cat carrier. Cats in general do not like cars and they get *very* upset. I once had to move three cats on a long drive and they yelled for over an hour. Two of them threw up (be sure to take a roll of paper towels and some cleaner) but after we got that cleaned up, they howled some more and finally went to sleep. Never put a cat in a car without a carrier -- they're likely to climb all over the car (including under your feet if you're driving) while radiating distress. It's bad enough in a carrier, trust me.

    • My cats don't mind the car. I discovered how much they like music when they would lay on top of the piano and fall asleep while I practiced. I think they liked the vibrations. After I found this out, I started putting on a song with a lot of bass that vibrated the car seat. They go right to sleep.

    • Carrier! If you have an accident, you want to make sure your precious kitty is going to be as safe as possible, not flying around the car. My cat and I have traveled several times back and forth 2 hours to my parents' house for visits. I put the carrier in the passenger seat with comfy towels, her favorite soft mouse, and two more soft toys for comfort. Even if she does not play with them, she does have familiar objects around her. I also put my fingers through the openings in the door occasionally to let her know I am still here and love her much! She has trouble sleeping in the car and this seems to keep her calm and relaxed.