How much does it cost to own a cat?

I am thinking of adopting a cat, I know all the adoption fees, but I was wondering about how much everyone spends a month on food, litter and other items? Also, how much are your vet bills, and how often do cats need to go?

    How much does it cost to own a cat?

    I am thinking of adopting a cat, I know all the adoption fees, but I was wondering about how much everyone spends a month on food, litter and other items? Also, how much are your vet bills, and how often do cats need to go?...
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    • How much does it cost to own a cat?

      How much does it cost to own a cat? Other Pet Discussions
      I am thinking of adopting a cat, I know all the adoption fees, but I was wondering about how much everyone spends a month on food, litter and other items? Also, how much are your vet bills, and how often do cats need to go?

      How much does it cost to own a cat?

      How much does it cost to own a cat? Other Pet Discussions
    • $12.00 on litter$6.00 Friskies Cat Crunchies$10.00 on Fancy Feast Cat Food CansThis is on a per month basis.All in all, pretty cheap in my opinion compared to a dog.

    • It depends on what kind of food and litter you want to buy. I feed my cats Iams, which is about 12 dollars a bag. This big bag usually lasts about 3 weeks. Litter is about 7 dollars. You have to sift the box every day, and change the whole box about once a month. A bag of litter will last about a month as well. Cats are not very expensive to own. You should take your kitty to the vet yearly and when the kitty is sick. If you are getting a kitten, vaccinations will cost about $70. Yearly visits are reasonably priced. Other items like toys are faily inexpensive, and can be bought at places like walmart or petco. If you have any other questions, feel free to contact me...I'd be happy to help you.Good luck with your new kitty!

    • Depending on the new brand of food you but the cat. I buy whiskas wet and dry. I only need one bag a food a month and it cost 3.99 and wet food you can usually get 7 pouches for 3 dollars. I get about 14 a month. Litter depends to. I buy clumping litter witch is a litter more a 7 pounds of tidy cat is about 7 dollar. You might need 2 a month. So it isn't really a lot of money. They like toys but you can find them at the dollar store. Or you can make them. They love balled up paper balls. I hope this helps you.

    • The initial cost is going to be the biggest with the adoption fees and vaccines, buying supplies (litterbox, toys, treats, food, canned food, catnip scratchers, etc). I buy the huge bag of Pro Plan indoor (I think 18 or 25 lbs) its about 30$ and it lasts me mmm, about 6 or 7 months (he gets 1/2 cup per day, sometimes a little more). Buying new toys one the old ones have been beat to death isnt that expensive, a few dollars. Toys can last a while or only a few weeks (like the foam balls, his favorite). Litter for 20 lbs of Fresh step is about $12, last 2-4 months (he goes a lot). Then vaccines once a year runs about mmm $60/70$, depending.

    • I get the 9 lb bags of food, they last a while and cost between 8-10 dollars. Litter i buy every 3 weeks (2 cats) and litter box liner at the same rate . Litter costs $10 for 25lbs(get litter w/ crytals it makes a difference). Also get a litter box with a lid, they cost a little more $12 but its cleaner. The 1st vet visit will be the most expensive and be about $80. There will be 2 more at about 30. To spay a cat is about 120 and to neuter 80. Also flea medicine is between 8-10 dollars a month. If you have an outdoor cat youll want revolution since it also does heartworm, if its indoors you can use frontline.

    • Well I have 4 cats so you may have to divide this out.. I spend approx $8 a month on a lg bag of cat food $6 a bag of litter (40 lb plain non scoopable if you want the scoopable it is more expensive) buy 3 of those a month. (I buy in bulk @ Sams club) I have gone 1 1/2 months in the summer (they eat less in the summer)Start up would be atleast $6 for a litter pan could go as far as $200 if you want one of those self scoop litter boxes.pooperscooper $2-10 water bowl free-$50 (expensive end would be a pet fountain)My cats havent been to the vet (after their yearly checkups) for quite a while but it depends on the cat. All of mine are indoor and dont see other cats or fleas. If you want to let your cat go outside then it will cost you extra to get them flea meds etc.I'm sure there is more but that is all I can think of at the moment.. Hope you can afford it the joys cats are worth it!!!

    • i think we spend under $100 a month on my two kittens- stuff like food, litter and the random toys etc. from time to time. I think our vet bills were around $90 for two kittens. unless your cat gets sick you only need to go to the vet about once a year for a check up and any shots that they need

    • cans of cat food cost about 25 cents on sale. Feed 1/4 can in the am and 1/4 in the pm, the can will last two days, buy a box a dry food 1.29 this last a few weeks. Vet once a year for a check up unless the pet gets ill inbetween, expect 150.00 bucks for that. It is a good investment and a pet wh will love you no matter what. Keep the cat inside to stay nice and healthy

    • I adopted my cat, and when you adopt you don't have to get it shots, but if your going to keep it indoor only, you won't have to worry about rabies vacc. after adoption. if you adopt a kitten, its gonna cost alot more than a cat thats say, at least 10 mo. old because the kittens eat alot. I buy feline pine for litter, and it lasts forever so I probly spend no more than 25 a month on her. I recently had to take her to the vet, which costed 113.00 for a dental gum condition. that total was for office visit, medication and testing for feline leukemia/aids. good luck!

    • Food, litter, comforts (like beds & nests), grooming supplies, and toys are just the tip of the iceberg.What can be hugely expensive regarding pet ownership is, of course, health care. There are companies who sell pet health insurance, and I would recommend buying it.Due to serious illness, one of my kitties ended up with medical expenses well over five thousand dollars within a five month period. Veterinary care can be costly, so I DO recommend pet health insurance. Your vet would have details concerning availability.

    • To a resbonsible owner first year is more1) 8 week shots,12 week shots 6 month shots (rabbies) in Canadian $80 each time plus deworming $20. Getting cat fixed $1502) Good Food lets say $20 amonth3) Scoopable Kitty litter a month $10 4) Yearly shots and Exam $80In conclusion 1 year about $770 years after 440This is saying there is no other health concerns But the benifet of having a cat is worth the money

    • I apopted a 2 year old a few years back, it cost me about $100.00 to do so. Some would say OMG that's a lot of money. It's not, she was fixed and had all her shots which in turn was cheaper for me. Once a year the cat goes to the vet to get her shots it costs me under $50.00 for that. Food wise with litter etc, average about $5.00 a week. Cats are definately cheaper than dogs to own.

    • Preciousdobes gave the best answer. Also, when a cat gets older and gets sick, the price could skyrocket. I spent $1200 on a RadioCat treatment for one of my cats who only lived three months after the treatment (the RadioCat treatment worked but then she had a stroke with intense seizures that caused blindness...she had to be put to sleep immediately). I spent $1000 on a cat's hospital stay and he didn't make it out of the hospital.The thing is I can't put a cat to sleep if I don't think I've tried everything possible. If I hadn't done the RadioCat treatment, I would have thought the stroke was a result of her Thyroid problem and would have felt like it was all my fault for not treating her properly.