How do you feed a cat that refuses to eat on his own?

I think my cat is sick. It has no appetite and refuses to eat even a freshly cooked fish.

    How do you feed a cat that refuses to eat on his own?

    I think my cat is sick. It has no appetite and refuses to eat even a freshly cooked fish....
    Other Pet Discussions : How do you feed a cat that refuses to eat on his own?...

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    • How do you feed a cat that refuses to eat on his own?

      How do you feed a cat that refuses to eat on his own? Other Pet Discussions
      I think my cat is sick. It has no appetite and refuses to eat even a freshly cooked fish.

      How do you feed a cat that refuses to eat on his own?

      How do you feed a cat that refuses to eat on his own? Other Pet Discussions
    • that sound like he is sick ,check him out at the vet.rarely an animal like a cat starves it self to death,on the contrary, a cat is usually very quick to let you know its one miauwing at my feet right now ,who demands to be fed

    • try Gerber's or Beach Nut Meat Baby Food. It works every time matter of fact I think that is the best food that all 9 of my housecats love. When I take the seal off and crack open the jar I don't care were they are they all come running,matter of fact I had a kitten who wouldn't eat and my own vet told me to give him baby food, and sure enough he ate it.Good Luck, if the cat still won't eat take him or her to the vet.

    • When my cat had a bad reaction to a rabies shot she wouldn't eat for days. The vet had me buy really mushy cat food, suck it up into a syringe, and squirt it into her mouth. It worked really well, and after a few days she started to eat on her own. I didn't worry about water, the food had enough to get her by for a few days.

    • a cat will eat sooner or later. try "mindful neglect" pretend not to notice for a day or two! i bet he will eat. cats can be picky but wont starve. they are not dummies!. sometimes i give my kitty the oil (only)from my tuna over his dry food. he loves that. he will "hold out" the next couple days for more when more doesnt come he will eat like before.

    • Hi there,I am a veterinary technician who just saw your question when I was posting a question of my own.Usually when cats or dogs stop eating it is a sign that something medically is wrong with them. Generally it is their way of telling us something is wrong. My answer to you would have been to to try cat treats, tuna from a can, any type of soft food, etc... But, since you have tried that already, the only thing you can do is take them to a Veterinary clinic. People always think that if their cat looks OK on the outside, everything is fine. However, internally they could be suffering from kidney problems and/or other medical problems that can only be determined by a doctor. The longer you wait the more your cat will suffer. I suggest you go to the Vet as soon as you can. Your cat's quality of life lies in your hands. Good luck.

    • Maybe the cat has a dental problem or a digestion issue. I had a cat that wouldn't eat until I tried Iams wet food in those little pouches. the cat love those things! I think he also has a sore tooth and the wet Iams is easier for him to eat.