How would you go about finding a missing cat?

So it's been missing for two days, it might be inside or outside, and since its an inside we don't have a collar on it... I'm worried.

    How would you go about finding a missing cat?

    So it's been missing for two days, it might be inside or outside, and since its an inside we don't have a collar on it... I'm worried....
    Other Pet Discussions : How would you go about finding a missing cat?...

    • How would you go about finding a missing cat?

      How would you go about finding a missing cat? Other Pet Discussions
      So it's been missing for two days, it might be inside or outside, and since its an inside we don't have a collar on it... I'm worried.

      How would you go about finding a missing cat?

      How would you go about finding a missing cat? Other Pet Discussions
    • :( you could put up flyers around your town, with a description of the cat, its name, all that. where it was last seen maybe, when you last saw it, who to contact, maybe put out a reward because people are more likely to help find something if there is money in it for them. good luck, it is sad to lose a pet.

    • I would start by calling the people that don't like me to make sure there was no ransom for my cat. If that did not pan out; I would go down to my neighbor who has a small zoo of cat's (58 to be exact) in their front room and see if my cat was trying to hook up with one of them. If I had no luck with that I might try the local animal shelter. :)