How come dogs and humans get along so well?

I was just wondering why dogs can relate to humans more than any other animal. How can a dog understand how we are feeling? Why aren't dogs like most animals where they keep there distance?

    How come dogs and humans get along so well?

    I was just wondering why dogs can relate to humans more than any other animal. How can a dog understand how we are feeling? Why aren't dogs like most animals where they keep there distance?...
    General Dog Discussions : How come dogs and humans get along so well?...

    • How come dogs and humans get along so well?

      How come dogs and humans get along so well? General Dog Discussions
      I was just wondering why dogs can relate to humans more than any other animal. How can a dog understand how we are feeling? Why aren't dogs like most animals where they keep there distance?

      How come dogs and humans get along so well?

      How come dogs and humans get along so well? General Dog Discussions
    • Thousands of years ago, man domesticated a wild animal for protection and companionship. This evolved into our present animal we call a dog. There is recent controversy over whether this was a wolf or a coyote or a combination. Recently dug skeletons have thrown a monkey wrench into the theory of all dogs came from wolves and it isn't resolved completely even now. After many thousands of years of being bred to live with humans, their personalities require human companionship to thrive. Even dogs that get loose never completely lose that yearning to be with humans, because that's what they were bred to be.

    • I actually just watched an amazing special on this. I found it on Netflix after searching "dogs". The dog has been essential to our survival since Neanderthal used wolves to hunt. After millennia of hunting with us, and living with us, and protecting our families, the human/dog relationship is unlike any other bond between two species in the world. In the special I mentioned they even do a test. Dogs look straight into our eyes and know exactly how we feel. They can smell our emotions, and sense our feelings. Dogs hunted with us in ancient times, and evolved to so many different breeds. Some for hunting specific prey, some to herd animals, some to protect us. So many other uses. Hell, there was even a battle in WW1 that the Americans used dogs to storm the beach. While very few dogs actually survived, it was the perfect distraction for our troops to take that beach. Those dogs were trained to attack people behind the turrets. I currently have a very young puppy, who I am bonding with currently. He is amazing. Though he is still a little trouble maker, he knows how I am feeling, and knows when he's been bad and when to suck up.

    • even more than 100 years dogs were humans best supportive animal by nature.and cats is a selfish and wants to live cozy life like many girls these days who likes to find a wealthy guy and settle down the life.the same way cats like to have food on time and love to be given love 24hrs by the owner. but they arent thankful by nature. if u consider having them together then,they always get along very well if they are domesticated at same place or of they have experienced good with any of the member of each category.The reason they fight is mostly because the cat hair irritates the dogs nostrils and vice versa,also the exchanges of body insects irritates them each other. Out of these cats are more jealousy if you show more love to dogs and so they trouble dogs and also cats likes to be lonely and always wants to be on the arms of the owner..if this is disturbed they get irritaed and will torchure the dogs.But if they are shown love mutually and grown up together and never experienced bad between each other, they there is no wonder that they will play together and even share some food like milk.

    • We feed them and they warn us of danger. That's how it's been since the two first introduced themselves. Most animal (dogs included) are quite intuitive and that's why they stay clear of humans. Dogs ignore their intuition and come to us anyway. And with few exceptions the relationship benefits the dog and human equally.

    • Wolves were first domesticated by humans because they are pack animals. They can work together for the better of the pack and are also skilled hunters. Wolves mate for life and have a devotion to each other. They help each other raise their pups and are very social and Intelligent. They were first domesticated to help hunt and then to help guard live stock. Over the years they have been bred for specific reasons making the domestic dogs we know and love today.