what are some good ways for poty training your puppy?

I have a 8 wk old pit bull and I am looking for some good suggestions for house training her. Mostly the poty training.

    what are some good ways for poty training your puppy?

    I have a 8 wk old pit bull and I am looking for some good suggestions for house training her. Mostly the poty training....
    Other Pet Discussions : what are some good ways for poty training your puppy?...

    • what are some good ways for poty training your puppy?

      what are some good ways for poty training your puppy? Other Pet Discussions
      I have a 8 wk old pit bull and I am looking for some good suggestions for house training her. Mostly the poty training.

      what are some good ways for poty training your puppy?

      what are some good ways for poty training your puppy? Other Pet Discussions
    • Crate traning works great - but you also have to realize that the puppy can't help itself. You may want to see if there are any training classes in you.r area for puppies. Most of all, you need to be patient with the puppy

    • Here are some hints that will make the training process better:1.You have to take her outside to the same spot and stay with her until she goes.2.Do not bring her in right after she goes, let her play (but not before she goes potty).3.Take her out after she’s eaten, slept, or looks like she is searching for a spot.4.Do not punish her if you find a wet spot in the house, but if you catch her say ‘no’ and bring her outside.5.Don’t bother with paper training, as it confuses the dog more than helps.6.Lastly, there will be occasional relapses, so don’t get discouraged.There is a way to train dogs to ring a bell when they need to go out. First find a bell that you can hear from a most rooms and hang it by the door you let her out from the most. Every time you take her outside ring the bell with her paw. Eventually she will learn to ring the bell to go outside. This helps you so you don’t find little piles inside and she has a way to get you to let her out. It does work I have done it with my own dogs; the only drawback is that you have to let them out every time they ring the bell, no matter what you’re doing.Happy training!

    • The key to potty training is consistency and putting a word to the desired behavior. Figure that a puppy can hold it for about an hour for every month old they are. So yours can't hold it for more than two hours at a time. Also at such a young age they don't have the best control anyway. Always take the pup out right after she wakes up, 15 mins after eating or drinking, and before she goes to bed. Use a designated area where you are going to want her to go in the future and put a name to it like "Go potty", or "Do your stuff". It doesn't matter what you call it as long as you always use that word or phrase in the future to mean GO!! Use the word while she is going and when she's done praise her, "Good go potty" or whatever. Pretty soon she will catch on. You just have to watch her carefully and see when she starts sniffing or looking around like she has to go. Don't get mad at her if she accidentally goes in the house. It's your fault anyway for not watching so just put her outside immediately and don't let her see you cleaning up the mess. The old way of wiping their nose in it and spanking does absolutely nothing and will just make your dog afraid of you. Best of luck.

    • I own pitbulls ...so here is from my own experience.Get a open wire (metal) crate so the dog can see you and have adequate ventilation. DO NOT keep the dog in there all the time. Lay out newspaper a few sheets thick and a few pagesd wide on a floor that is not carpeted... and when your pup starts to squat pick it up and (saying NO...bad Boy/Girl) and put it on the paper. It helps to put a little of the pee or poop on the paper so it knows it should go there.After a few times the pup will start running to the paper to go.Then after a week of that...start taking it outside when it goes on the paper. And repeat the process.After a few days...it will lety you know it has to go by bugging you and or going to the door.Pits are smart and easy to train.If the pup insists on going...and not where you want it to...then use one sheet of newspaper rolled up and just lightly rap it on the face when saying no. It doesn't hurt it...just the sound frweaks it out enough to get it's attention.OR....get a very large catbox and lay a chunk of sod (grass) in it and get it used to the outside even faster....I had to do that with one of my pups.Hope this helps.

    • Discipline and consistency are vital!Take her out after she wakes up, meals, nap and play.Go to the same spot and rewards her right away with treats, after she is done! If she goes to the exact same spot double rewards her! If she refuses to go potty at all, bring her back inside the house no rewards yet! Wait 15 mins then go outside again. Repeat till she does it! Dont take her outside and let her play because she might think you take her out to play not to go potty! It depends sometimes 5 mins you have to wait, back inside then sometimes 10, sometimes 30 mins. I suggest take a small/short walk to move her bladder so that she could release fast enough.If she relapse inside the house, dont scold her. Say.. Nooooo potty here! Dont yell! Clean the spot immediately with Kleenex or water so that it doesnt have any smell!Crate tranning is good, true! Confine her is adequate size cage/area enough for her to move a little and play and drink . Dogs wont go potty in a place where they play and eat!