What's the best way to discipline a dog that purposefully pees and poos on the floor inside?

I don't know. Sometimes I want to smack it but not sure what I'm supposed to do. Please helpSome of you are assuming that I did not train my dog. I have trained him already. He's crate trained too.But just all of a sudden he pees on purpose I think. I…

    What's the best way to discipline a dog that purposefully pees and poos on the floor inside?

    I don't know. Sometimes I want to smack it but not sure what I'm supposed to do. Please helpSome of you are assuming that I did not train my dog. I have trained him already. He's crate trained too.But just all of a sudden he pees on purpose I think. I…...
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    • What's the best way to discipline a dog that purposefully pees and poos on the floor inside?

      What's the best way to discipline a dog that purposefully pees and poos on the floor inside? Other Pet Discussions
      I don't know. Sometimes I want to smack it but not sure what I'm supposed to do. Please helpSome of you are assuming that I did not train my dog. I have trained him already. He's crate trained too.But just all of a sudden he pees on purpose I think. I did have my friend over with her dog a few days ago. Did he maybe smell her?

      What's the best way to discipline a dog that purposefully pees and poos on the floor inside?

      What's the best way to discipline a dog that purposefully pees and poos on the floor inside? Other Pet Discussions
    • Well I am in the midst of potty training and my dog is pretty much mocking me. She pees on the floor right in front of me. And then about a month ago she peed in a smiley face design. It was so weird. But I would suggest telling them "No"

    • i have two dogswhat we do is first put the dog's face into the potty (do not get it on the dog haha) so they know what they did. and punish them immediately not an hour later so they know what theyre being punished for.there are also sprays available for dogs so they will pee wher you spray it so if you spray it outside it will teach them where to go.if it continues, keep the dogs outside until they learn...

    • No discipline. It sounds like he is not properly housebroken. Please consider retraining him instead. http://www.siriuspup.com/behavior_problems.html

    • You show the dog the pee or poop and tap te dog on the nose and say no. bad dog. that is all. i have trained many dog inculding my own and others lik emy friends and other family members dogs

    • The best way to discipline your puppy is to not do it at all. By scolding or punishing your puppy, you are:1. Possibly making him lose his trust in you.2. Making him nervous about eliminating inside in front of you, both inside and out.3. Teaching him that it's okay to eliminate in the house if you're not around - meaning he'll hide to do it, or wait until you leave the house.I doubt he's "purposefully" eliminating on the floor - he just doesn't know any better. Is it fair to punish him for breaking rules he didn't know existed? Give positive reinforcement a try. Here are some tips to get you started.1. Stick to a tight schedule. All dogs do better when they know when it's time to go out. If your puppy is still pretty young (under three months or so), it would be best to take him out every hour, on the hour. With dogs between three and six months, it's usually safe to take them out every two-three hours. If your dog is over six months, you can try waiting three or four. If your dog is still making mistakes with this schedule, take him out more often.2. Every time you take him outside, head straight to a designated potty place. Stand in one place and let him circle around you (he should be on leash). Give him five minutes or so. If he goes, make it a party. "GOOD BOY!" Praise him immensely, give him a yummy moist treat (or two) and make sure he knows he's done something right. Then take him for at least a short walk. If he doesn't go, no worries - maybe he's excited, or maybe he just doesn't have to go yet. Don't give him a walk, just head back inside, pop him in his crate (more on this later), and try again in half an hour.3. If he makes a mistake inside, don't scold or punish him, for the reasons I mentioned before.4. Crate-training is an absolute MUST for housetraining. Crates aren't that expensive, and crate-training isn't all that hard. A crate is a great tool - as long as the crate is small enough (just big enough for the dog to turn around in), the dog will view the crate as a den, and will not eliminate in it. You can use the crate at night, or whenever you can't keep an eye on him during the day, so he doesn't have the oppurtunity to make a mistake.Good luck, be patient, and keep it positive!

    • I agree with KimbeeJ, you need to go back to basic house training. We have a tendency to attitude human thoughts and feelings to our pups/dogs when in reality a pup/dog that is still messing in the house doesn't have a clear understanding of what's expected of it even though you believe it's a wilful act, it isn't. Smacking your dog will only make the house training more confusing for the dog. Every mistake it makes, unless there's a health issue, is your mistake.

    • Some dogs pee when they are upset/nervous. Also, it's best to tell your dog "no" and put him/her outside immediately, for a few minutes, to let it know not to go "in the house, but outside."Never get too upset with the dog, this will make him more nervous and apt to have problems. A firm "No" is ll you need.

    • You need to know the right techniques to train your dog to stop unnecessary behavior. Put an end to the stress and annoyance of your dog behavior problems! ...AND slash your dog obedience training time in half by using techniques that give you immediate results. Learn about Dog Obedience Training Secrets to STOP Your Dog’s Behavior Problems! visit http://dogscorner.great-discovery.com/

    • When you see him going potty in the house simply say ' outside or no outside " not mean though.Also don't smack him because he will retaliate and do it on purpose.He should just associate potty with outside.Let him out a lot too. Maybe he really had to go?After a while just say outside and let him do his thing, even if he doesn't go potty so he can just be out there..Sometimes dogs will do that even if they are potty trained.A big thing people forget is if your dog or another dog went to the bathroom in an area, you MUST clean it very good so the sent and etc is gone. Maybe your dog is smelling another sent and marks his territory. If he does go in the house make sure his sent is gone as well so he doesnt keep doing it.Good luck & God bless!