How do you get rid of ants safely, without having to get a exterminator?

I have a small kitten and I don't want to use any poisionus chemicals.

    How do you get rid of ants safely, without having to get a exterminator?

    I have a small kitten and I don't want to use any poisionus chemicals....
    Other Pet Discussions : How do you get rid of ants safely, without having to get a exterminator?...

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    • How do you get rid of ants safely, without having to get a exterminator?

      How do you get rid of ants safely, without having to get a exterminator? Other Pet Discussions
      I have a small kitten and I don't want to use any poisionus chemicals.

      How do you get rid of ants safely, without having to get a exterminator?

      How do you get rid of ants safely, without having to get a exterminator? Other Pet Discussions
    • there are ant traps that should be safe for your cat where the ants go in, eat the poison and take it to their nests, OR pepper, ants hate it, cats hate it, but it is safe...

    • You can purchase ant baits that your pets cannot get into...the ant carries this back to their nests and they die there. It typically takes less than 24 hours once the baits are in place.To not get ants in the first place...make sure you clean up any sweet, sticky, sugar, syrup, soft drinks..this is typically what the ants are after.

    • Find where they are coming in, usually a small crack or hole somewhere, and put a small puddle of dishwashing detergent there. Anytime you see a line of ants, wipe the invisible line they are walking along with the dishwashing detergent (this confuses their sense of smell, which they use to follow the trail.)Be vigilant, you don't need to use a lot of dishwashing detergent but it needs to stay fresh, and they will give up.

    • Use Twenty Mule Team Borax (find it at the grocery store in the aisle where they sell the laundry soap) sprinkle it around where the ants come in, I put it on my windowsills the edges of my cupboard and the floor by the doors....It worked for me, hope it works for you

    • DO NOT USE BORAX!! If you have a kitten, do not use it. if it gets on the kittens paws, and she licks her feet, she could become sick. Sprinkle some grits around the areas that the ants are, and they will die. Works kind of like those rat pellets that make the rat blow up internally when it drinks water. They tkae it back to eat, and when they drink, they explode.

    • Ants come into the house to forage for food. You need to find out what is attracting the ants and eliminate the food source(s). There are about 200 species of ants in the USA and different types of ants eat different things, but there are two general categories that come into homes: grease-eating ants and sweets-eating ants. So your first question is: What is attracting the ants to your home?You mentioned a kitten - if you feed canned cat food, the grease-eaters just love that. Pick up the leftovers and clean the food bowl after each of your cat's meals. If you see ants on the kitchen counters, look for spills of sugar, flour, crumbs, etc. It doesn't take much to make a meal for an ant! Checkinside your cupboards also.Also, ants follow the same trails to and from their nests. Watch where the ants go and see if you can find the nest(s) and destroy them.

    • I use Home Defense,, it kills all nasty bugs, ants, spiders... In fact I used it just this morning, on the some pesky ants that like my porch and sidewalks... They are no more.... LOL

    • Use chalk to put lines around any area you don't want them to cross and they won't. Like at the base of your doors or windows, or foundation, inside & out. Reapply as necessary.