How can I keep the cat litter in the litter box?

I put a tray under it to catch some of the litter, but it is not big enough. Is there something I can put around it, as well as under it? I am trying to avoid getting litter on the wall, as well as in the carpet.Real answers only, or I will report you.

    How can I keep the cat litter in the litter box?

    I put a tray under it to catch some of the litter, but it is not big enough. Is there something I can put around it, as well as under it? I am trying to avoid getting litter on the wall, as well as in the carpet.Real answers only, or I will report you....
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    • How can I keep the cat litter in the litter box?

      How can I keep the cat litter in the litter box? Other Pet Discussions
      I put a tray under it to catch some of the litter, but it is not big enough. Is there something I can put around it, as well as under it? I am trying to avoid getting litter on the wall, as well as in the carpet.Real answers only, or I will report you.

      How can I keep the cat litter in the litter box?

      How can I keep the cat litter in the litter box? Other Pet Discussions
    • Oh the litterbox. To be honest, nothing really. It gets stuck in their feet and thats how it travels all around the house. Maybe put little carpet outside the exit hole, and it might keep it down a bit.

    • Get one of the boxes with a lid and a swinging door on the front and place the box on a small piece of carpet that extends 6 or 8" out from the opening. The carpet will keep the excess litter from getting all over the floor and you can shake it outside if it gets nasty.

    • Get the kind with a this one. luck!

    • I honestly think cats enjoy making a mess....I know mine do. To cut down on stray litter, I put my litter box (one of the enclosed kind) facing the wall with a small amount of space for them to get in. That way they HAVE to step out instead of jumping out.

    • Lol I have the same problem... hehe. I put a towel under it, and i put the box on tile floor. That way every week, you can just take a small vacuum, vacuum the towel and then just put it back.

    • I've had cats all my life and I have no idea. They dig and kick it around when they're in there and then they track it out. I just deal with it. Anything made of cloth will not work because they will move it and the litter will fall off. Put the box on something hard like a big mat or if you have the room put it in a tub like container. And stop saying you'll report people. Nothing could make you sound more lame.

    • I'm sure you've seen the litter boxes with the lids. I have one for my cats and it contains most of the litter. Also, you can put a mat in front of the opening so it will get the litter off of their paws as they leave the box.

    • LOL I have a cat that likes to dig to China, too!! Have you tried an enclosed litter box? Basically it looks like a little tent that goes on top of the litter box. Or some litter boxes have a guard that is like a two inch lip all the way around the box. Hope this helps!

    • I have this problem too. I bought an outside door mat that has plastic like grass to put in front of it when they come out but they still tend to carry it further.

    • the only thing i can suggest is to put the box in an out of the way place, where there is tile floor...easy to clean up.or go to your local pet store and look for a litter box with a lid, that should help reduce the litter on the floor and walls, but you'll always have a problem with it, because the littler gets stuck in there feet. there are also litter ramps that you can place on the front of the box leading up to the pan, "kinda like a welcome matt" its fuzzy and helps get that litter out of their paws. good luck!!

    • I have 5 cats (yeah, I know, I'm a crazy cat lady), but I use two of those huge litter boxes with the snap on "hoods" that make them look like pet carriers. You can get them pretty inexpensively at Wal-Mart. With these litter boxes, all you have to worry about is when the cat steps out of the little door, he might track some litter out on his feet. Put a fluffy rug right in front of the box and the litter will fall off their feet and onto the rug. Then just take it outside and shake it once in a while. This type of litter box also helps keep the odor down, too. Hope this helps.

    • buy a covered litter box to keep it off the walls. there are also mats that you can but under and around litterboxes sold at pet stores. go to and see if they have them available, if not you could put down one of those welcome mats that people put infront of doors to clean off shoes. your cat could also become an out door cat as well, mine is and has been since we got him fifteen years ago. that may not work because some cats run away or might get hit by a car if you live on a busy street.