What is the best way to travel with a betta fish?

I want to take my betta to college and I want to know the best way to travel with him without harming him.

    What is the best way to travel with a betta fish?

    I want to take my betta to college and I want to know the best way to travel with him without harming him....
    Other Pet Discussions : What is the best way to travel with a betta fish?...

    • What is the best way to travel with a betta fish?

      What is the best way to travel with a betta fish? Other Pet Discussions
      I want to take my betta to college and I want to know the best way to travel with him without harming him.

      What is the best way to travel with a betta fish?

      What is the best way to travel with a betta fish? Other Pet Discussions
    • Depends on how far the trip is. If you have a friend who could hold the bowl for you as you drive or visa versa, leave it in the bowl but if not Put the fish in a ziplock bag of his own water.

    • If you still have the container that you purchased him in then that is the best way to travel, he's safe and is able to swim around. Keeping him in the bowl is probably not the best way to travel with him. You could try a bag but Just be careful ,sometimes the bag sags and there isn't enough water for him to swim in.

    • carry the fish in a small tank that you can carry and the fish can move around in. Carry a lot of food and make sure he get feed. He should be fine during the trip.

    • Carry him in a jar... Make sure it is clean, without using soap or bleach... fill it half way with water... poke some holes in the lid so air can get in (Betta's are labyrinth fish, which breath oxygen...)... Make sure the jar stays upright during your trip...