What could be causing the water in my fish tank to be turning orange?

The fish in question are two goldfish. I have tried swiching foods, changing out water more often (twice a week), I moved the fish to a bigger tank. It does not clear up with a fizzing tablet that is made to clear up discolored water. I have no idea what…

    What could be causing the water in my fish tank to be turning orange?

    The fish in question are two goldfish. I have tried swiching foods, changing out water more often (twice a week), I moved the fish to a bigger tank. It does not clear up with a fizzing tablet that is made to clear up discolored water. I have no idea what…...
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    • What could be causing the water in my fish tank to be turning orange?

      What could be causing the water in my fish tank to be turning orange? Other Pet Discussions
      The fish in question are two goldfish. I have tried swiching foods, changing out water more often (twice a week), I moved the fish to a bigger tank. It does not clear up with a fizzing tablet that is made to clear up discolored water. I have no idea what to do. Please help!

      What could be causing the water in my fish tank to be turning orange?

      What could be causing the water in my fish tank to be turning orange? Other Pet Discussions
    • First are the fish doing ok? It might just be that your feeding them to much and the fish food might be turning the water colors. Do you actually clean the fish tank, when you change the water? If not you may need to clean the tanke and make sure that its a good clear water, not something like tap, (unless your tap water is very clean) I use flitered water I get from a water store for my fish tank and he's lived for over 6 years. Other than actually cleaning the tank I'm not sure.

    • Ask someone at a pet supply store. Maybe you are changing the water too often. Get a good filtering system and you sholdnt have to change the water anywhere near 2 times a week. Be cautious of the type of rocks at the bottom and the plants/ tank decor you choose!

    • Well first off, gold fish are dirty fish anyway, they will cloud up a tank quick! And make the water dirty. Maybe you need to change the filter on the tank, try cleaning the tank from top to bottom. Get your fish out of there, put them in a different tank, scrub the dirty one clean, and BE SURE to put in fresh clear water, I use the bottled Spring water for my tank, and actually it does wonders, I dont have to worry about too many chemicals, or too much ph, its pure water. I would DEFINATLEY cut back on their feeding, it sounds like you could be feeding them entirely too much.. Fish will eat til they pop! They dont know when to quit eating, and they can go several days without eating, at least 3-4 days!

    • It is possible that you have a lot of iron in your water - have it tested. Iron will cause water to turn a rusty orange color - you may see it anywhere in your home where there is standing water (like around drains or in the toilet).