How do I get my dog to stop eating Christmas bulbs?

My 6 month old German Shepherd has decided to eat as many bulbs on my tree as possible. He has already broken and tried to eat 6 of them. This really scares me since they are glass. I have already removed the rest of the bulbs from the tree but was…

    How do I get my dog to stop eating Christmas bulbs?

    My 6 month old German Shepherd has decided to eat as many bulbs on my tree as possible. He has already broken and tried to eat 6 of them. This really scares me since they are glass. I have already removed the rest of the bulbs from the tree but was…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I get my dog to stop eating Christmas bulbs?...

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    • How do I get my dog to stop eating Christmas bulbs?

      How do I get my dog to stop eating Christmas bulbs? Other Pet Discussions
      My 6 month old German Shepherd has decided to eat as many bulbs on my tree as possible. He has already broken and tried to eat 6 of them. This really scares me since they are glass. I have already removed the rest of the bulbs from the tree but was hoping that there may be a solution that doesn't involve a naked Christmas tree. I'd also like to know why a dog would even like to eat glass?

      How do I get my dog to stop eating Christmas bulbs?

      How do I get my dog to stop eating Christmas bulbs? Other Pet Discussions
    • You could try spraying the bulbs with something (for example, soapy water) that the dog would not like the taste of. This has worked for me with a cat in the past.

    • Take down the bulbs. Puppies are like children. If it's harmful to them, remove it from the area. Better to have no lights on your tree than taking your puppy to the emergency vet because his mouth/throat/stomach is/are bleeding.Or find him something else to chew on. Buy him a new Nylabone or something similar.

    • When our dog was younger, he chewed on everything. We bought some no-chew stuff at Walmart, but he liked the taste of it! We then tried hot sauce and it worked like a charm!