What will happen if my dog repeatedly licks pressure treated wood?

Our fence is made of pressure treated wood and our dog repeatedly licks it and chews on it. What will happen if she doesn't stop?It is still made with arsenic.Which is poisonous.

    What will happen if my dog repeatedly licks pressure treated wood?

    Our fence is made of pressure treated wood and our dog repeatedly licks it and chews on it. What will happen if she doesn't stop?It is still made with arsenic.Which is poisonous....
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    • What will happen if my dog repeatedly licks pressure treated wood?

      What will happen if my dog repeatedly licks pressure treated wood? Other Pet Discussions
      Our fence is made of pressure treated wood and our dog repeatedly licks it and chews on it. What will happen if she doesn't stop?It is still made with arsenic.Which is poisonous.

      What will happen if my dog repeatedly licks pressure treated wood?

      What will happen if my dog repeatedly licks pressure treated wood? Other Pet Discussions
    • Is there chemicals in the treated wood? I think she just likes the texture of the wood and likes chewing on it. don't think it will hurt your dog but you not going to have much wood left.

    • There is most likely chemicals in the treated wood. these chemicals may be harmful to your dog. You should make her stop before it is to late. You should use the reward and punishment method to train her! Reward her when she doesn't lick it, Punish her by saying "NO! Bad dog!" In a loud firm voice. When you punish her don't be violent, just be stern!

    • Yea I would not let the dog keep licking the fence. Does it only lick some areas or all over?I have heard of different products you can buy at the petstore that tastes bad. Maybe you can try to put it on your fence?These are made for dogs so it wont hurt it, but hopefully it will make your dog not want to do it again...I understand the difficulty if it is a large area, and also if it rains.. But I would atleast visit the petstore and see what they recommend!Good luck!

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