How do I keep my dog from running away when he gets loose from his leash?

My Lab mix is kept on a leash. When he escapes he runs up to my neighbors house and chases their dogs around the lot. When I try to call him, he ignores me, when I go towards him he runs away. He comes back hours later with his tail between his legs. How…

    How do I keep my dog from running away when he gets loose from his leash?

    My Lab mix is kept on a leash. When he escapes he runs up to my neighbors house and chases their dogs around the lot. When I try to call him, he ignores me, when I go towards him he runs away. He comes back hours later with his tail between his legs. How…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I keep my dog from running away when he gets loose from his leash?...

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    • How do I keep my dog from running away when he gets loose from his leash?

      How do I keep my dog from running away when he gets loose from his leash? Other Pet Discussions
      My Lab mix is kept on a leash. When he escapes he runs up to my neighbors house and chases their dogs around the lot. When I try to call him, he ignores me, when I go towards him he runs away. He comes back hours later with his tail between his legs. How can I stop this behavior?

      How do I keep my dog from running away when he gets loose from his leash?

      How do I keep my dog from running away when he gets loose from his leash? Other Pet Discussions
    • I have been reading that possitive reinforcement helps to make the animal trust you. In other words no punishment for bad behavior and reward for proper behavior. try to whisper to him and not yell. Yelling only confuses them and they run faster and further. They think that it is a game. Do not chase....rather walk away and say real loud good-bye and the dog's name.

    • maybe you should hire a professional trainer, you shouldn't ask people online. even on TV they say like don't do what they do to train you dog with out professional assistance or something so just in case something bad happens it won't be their fault. its the same with online, so i suggest getting a special trainer or something. go online i also think that petsmart has trainers too. we don't have one here but i seen one on TV.

    • Man I know this sounds mean but I got this shock collar for my dog and it really brought him around. Every time I took him for a walk I would put it on him. I have only shocked him a couple of times,that's all it took. Now when he wants to go for a walk he stands by it.( he thinks he has to wear it to go)I hardly ever even turn it on anymore. Allot lately I don't even use a leash he stays right by me.Word of advice if you get one don't turn it all the way up and shock yourself.

    • Yes you could take him to class--but without knowing the age its harder to say---I think dogs that run away or ignore you have been ignored when they needed you most (as a puppy) dogs are family in their eyes and want to be near you at any given moment--I have found the best dogs are those that are kept in close proximity to the family--like allowed in to hang out..If you don't allow your dog in than you need to spend lots of quality time out with them--and while you are hanging out in a confined area work on the come and sit command--treats work AFTER--they come and sit...I have three dogs and live out on a large ranch I have deer and farm cats that share the area--so its been very important that I have control over the dogs--they will not chase after the cats or the deer--but it took patience and lots of care and love --love is the most important factor I think--Good luck and happy training--God Bless the critters

    • he is just trying to go play with his friends have you tried to take him to a dog park or just to run out in the country. its no fun to be on a leash all the time he is just bored you should try letting him lose and calling him to you and then give him a treat when he comes to you.

    • okay,I had the same problem,teach your dog the sit,stay,heel,and roll over things so when you say say STAY! he/she will stay,or train her/him to come to you when you call his/her name,but this i what I do,my dog knows how to stay around my house but heres how I trained her its really simple just do this when they are puppys,okay heres what you do buy a little crate of treats,while him/her is still a puppy so when you shake the crate he/she will hear the noise and come to you and they get a treat from the crate.Thats what I do if my dog starts kinda wondering off across the street,and get it fixed at the vet so they don't really want to wonder off and all that,getting the dog fixed clams them and takes their stress away,thats what I did and when I shake that crate of treats when the dog trots over to me she don't even jump on me because she is fixed,but when your dog comes back after a few hours don't scream at him/her or spank him/her,spanking them just makes them mean and screaming at them just scares them,and another thing I do if my dog wonders get a paper bag put 5 empty can in it and get in front of your dog while he/she is running and shake the bag and they will be scared,or built the dog a pen so he/she can't break through the leash and run away. GOOD LUCK!


    • My first response was grab him!!! Just to be cute, however, the correct answer would be to try a chest harness with large metal rings, if you can run a line from (for example) tree to tree, for maximum roaming, with the proper harness, and chain according to the dogs wieght he shouldn't be able to get lose. Otherwise, a fenced dog run will keep him in your ranges.

    • My hounds love to play 'can't catch me'.. I learned that if I just sit down, (in the road, or anywhere) they just have to come and see what is wrong with me...It takes all the fun out of it for them.