How and when should I change the water in my ten gallon fish tank?

I recently bought a ten gallon tank for my beta fish. I have a filter in the tank but i was wondering if I also need to replace the water with new water every so often. Also, when I put in new water, do I need to condition it as well? Thanks!

    How and when should I change the water in my ten gallon fish tank?

    I recently bought a ten gallon tank for my beta fish. I have a filter in the tank but i was wondering if I also need to replace the water with new water every so often. Also, when I put in new water, do I need to condition it as well? Thanks!...
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    • How and when should I change the water in my ten gallon fish tank?

      How and when should I change the water in my ten gallon fish tank? Other Pet Discussions
      I recently bought a ten gallon tank for my beta fish. I have a filter in the tank but i was wondering if I also need to replace the water with new water every so often. Also, when I put in new water, do I need to condition it as well? Thanks!

      How and when should I change the water in my ten gallon fish tank?

      How and when should I change the water in my ten gallon fish tank? Other Pet Discussions
    • Your betta is kind of hardy so keep water changes to a minanother reason is you might scare himi have a 10 gallon i do water changes every monthbut for you only having one fishjust do it when it gets dirty with algae

    • filter helps keep the water clean and fresh but just like ne thing else bacteria can start to grow in the water and the filter will pretty much prevent that but just to be on the safe side i would change the water at least once a month just to keep everything fresh and in check. and yes u have to condition the water its just like filling the tank for the first time. i hope this helped

    • since you only have 1 fish it shouldn't need to be as often and the filter should do its job. although the tank is big for just 1 fish. maybe every 3-4 weeks using a siphon/vaccum cleaning the debris off the gravel which is old food, poop and other bits the filter didn't collect.since the filter cant remove every bit of dirt it is important you clean the gravel and ornaments if you have any.the change the water you siphon about 1/3 of the water into a bucket and then make up a new batch of water and even though the old water in the tank has been chemically treated you have to treat it again once the new water has gone in. :)

    • You need to change some of the water occasionaly to keep it fresh. Over time waste nitrate builds up in the water and will eventually poison your fish. Your filter will convert the deadly ammonia into the less harmfull nitrate which you then remove with water changes.Now the 'rule of thumb' is to change about 25% of the water each week, but it depends on how many fish are in the tank, and how fussy they are about water quality. You have one small fish and it's as hardy as they come, so you wont HAVE to change much water. Maybe 10% per week? Of course it wont hurt to change more, your fish will just have cleaner water. So if your bucket is 2gal, change that much .Yes you should use water conditioner in ALL the water you add to the tank, in case there is Chlorine residue in your tap water.Ian