What can you do to help stop animal cruelty and start an association that helps to prevent it?

I hate animal cruelty and I want to stop it! I'm planning to find an organization or association that will help me with stopping animal cruelty. If you have any ideas on how to start it or ideas on how to prevent animal cruelty please help!!!

    What can you do to help stop animal cruelty and start an association that helps to prevent it?

    I hate animal cruelty and I want to stop it! I'm planning to find an organization or association that will help me with stopping animal cruelty. If you have any ideas on how to start it or ideas on how to prevent animal cruelty please help!!!...
    Other Pet Discussions : What can you do to help stop animal cruelty and start an association that helps to prevent it?...

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    • What can you do to help stop animal cruelty and start an association that helps to prevent it?

      What can you do to help stop animal cruelty and start an association that helps to prevent it? Other Pet Discussions
      I hate animal cruelty and I want to stop it! I'm planning to find an organization or association that will help me with stopping animal cruelty. If you have any ideas on how to start it or ideas on how to prevent animal cruelty please help!!!

      What can you do to help stop animal cruelty and start an association that helps to prevent it?

      What can you do to help stop animal cruelty and start an association that helps to prevent it? Other Pet Discussions
    • Yea, there are tons of organizations out there, join them instead of starting another one. It is better to put the money in one place than in a bunch of small places that can't do as much then.

    • What do you mean by cruelty?If you mean the cow in my freezer... then that's stupidor stop all hunting......that's stupid tobut if you mean neglecting pets i'm all for it

    • There's already the ASPCA, the Humane Society, the Zoological Society, Animal Police, and many more. You would be of more help if you joined one of these, than starting a new one (which would take a lot of time to get the donations needed to help you in your pursuit).

    • you will be better off to join an established organization, Rather than starting your own, they will have a plan and program in place, applied for and received tax free standing and have already done all the leg work, they will have liability insurance ect.

    • Yep, there are TONS of organizations out there with animal cruelty as their focus. Contact the HSUS (Humane Society of the US), SPCA, ARF, but I suggest you avoid PETA...they tend to take things over the top. Do a search for "Animal Cruelty Prevention" and I'm sure you'll get a lot more organizations listed. Contact those organizations for more info about how you can help.

    • Not knowing what type of animal cruelty your referring to, I'll assume you mean physical abuse and neglect. I believe in my heart of hearts that oftentimes, people who abuse animals will and do eventually abuse humans.I wish I knew how to stop it... I really really do. I think education would help. And when people know of such abuses, report them.Contact local humane societies and shelters and find out if they have active groups. Ask them what you can do to help. And most importantly.... we need better laws. Most animal abuse and neglects charges are not felonies. They need to be felonies. So contact your local lawmakers and urge them to get these laws made.Good luck!

    • i would join one it would be easier and the money would go farther some good ones are SHARK www.sharkonline.orgPETA www.peta.orgHumane Society Of The USASPCAHabitat for Horsesdonate money to places like i listed abovevolunteer to no kill shelters around youmake and pass out flyers around malls and storesbecome a vegitarian/veganread/learn as much as you can about the subjectgo to protest and boycott places that abuse animalsgood luck i really agree with you and Coranewf

    • you go girl i'm all against animal cruelty.You should get loads of friends together and start a branch of some animal awareness group in your home town you could also write aa letter about your beliefs about it to a big newspaper that will get them thinkin

    • ur not the only one that hates animal cruelty,i hate it too. its kinda hard to stop it when and and if its someone elses pet. u can tell the police though if u think an animal is being abused. it would be a great idea to start an organization to stop it! how u start one i have no idea. sorry. it depense on where u live really. u could ask the person that is in charge of ur city to start an organization,im sure they would let u. i think. i'll join if u'd like. im sick and tired of animals getting abused and it needs to stop. NOW. IM me if u want.

    • I have to agree, there are already a ton of orgs out there like this, and you'd likely be better off joining one rather than starting your own.However, make sure the org you're signing up with is actually actively helping animals, and is not using donation money to line their pockets or support US terrorist organizations.The above means you couldn't join PETA or the HSUS.