What kind of fruit and vegetables can dogs eat?

I have a Chihuahua that loves all sorts of fresh fruits and veggies.

    What kind of fruit and vegetables can dogs eat?

    I have a Chihuahua that loves all sorts of fresh fruits and veggies....
    Other Pet Discussions : What kind of fruit and vegetables can dogs eat?...

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    • What kind of fruit and vegetables can dogs eat?

      What kind of fruit and vegetables can dogs eat? Other Pet Discussions
      I have a Chihuahua that loves all sorts of fresh fruits and veggies.

      What kind of fruit and vegetables can dogs eat?

      What kind of fruit and vegetables can dogs eat? Other Pet Discussions
    • Not sure what kind they can't eat. My dog loves fruit... not to keen on veggies but he will steal a slice of orange out of your hand if your not careful. He also loves cantaloupe and honey due melons.

    • i read that just about all types are good for them - as long as they are fresh or steamed w/no seasonings. my mom's dog eats carrots, my dog likes to chew them & leave crumbs all over the floor & he actually likes to eat the cabbage core - outside! i would say to just avoid anything acidic - like citrus or tomatoes

    • There are safe fruits and vegetables, but feeding a dog people food is not a good idea. It can upset your dog's digestive system. If you want to feed your dog healthy snacks, there are plenty of healthy alternatives at Petco or Petsmart. One major fruit to avoid is grapes, it is very bad for dogs. Dogs, especially chis, tend to choke on them.I would advise you not to feed your dog people food. An occasional treat like a piece of steak is okay. However, you should mix the treat in with their regular food. Giving your dog people food encourages begging. Not to mention some foods are toxic to dogs. So, like I said it would be best to stick to healthy snacks found at a pet store.Grapes are very, very dangerous. Please do not feed them to dogs. Onions and garlic are toxic to dogs. Tomatoes, brocolli, and raisens are also toxic to dogs.

    • A dog can eat most any fruits and vegetables. It really depends on the dog's taste. But don't give him/her too much. It will make him/her fat. But generally fruits and vegetables are good for dogs.

    • Grapes and raisins are a NO-NO!!!! They might be linked to some sorts of kidney failure. Also Onions are toxic as well. No Grapes, No Grapes, No Grapes! :) Anything else is okay, as long as the dog doesn't have "reactions" to them. Just like people everything in moderation. Stay away from gassy foods, like broccoli and cabbage. Ur dog maybe sensitive to them, and he is tiny.Recently there has been a lot of talk about grape and raisin toxicity in dogs. While there is no published data to date, there is mounting anecdotal evidence that this is a serious problem. What is known: Dogs affected will vomit with a few hours of eating either raisins or grapes. Then within 24 hours they may become anorexic and have diarrhea. These clinical signs can last for days to weeks. Some dogs will develop kidney damage in the first day after exposure. As this damage progresses the dogs will produce less and less urine until they stop producing urine all together. Once that happens death will follow. Dogs that are treated early and aggressively have a reasonable chance of recovery. If treatment is delayed the prognosis becomes very poor. What is not known:It is yet to be discovered what the actual toxin is. There has been speculation that it may be the grape itself, or possibly pesticides, heavy metals (zinc or lead), or perhaps fungal contaminants. There does not seem to be a critical dose that the dogs need to be exposed to before seeing signs of toxicity. Some dogs eating a few grapes regularly can be affected, as can dogs that consume a large amount one time. There seems to be equal cases in dogs eating grapes as there are dogs eating raisins. There does not seem to be a breed, age, or sex of dog that is more affected. Until more information becomes available it would be advisable to stop feeding grapes, raisins, or any food with grape extracts in them. If you would like more information on grape toxicity the animal poison control center has a good website at www.apcc.aspca.org.

    • Please do not feed your dogs grapes or raisins as new reports from the AAHA,OVMA have found they can be toxic to dogs,some will react more than others but they can cause metabolic changes to your pet or outright toxicity,Onions can cause anemia as well and now they recommend not to feed mushrooms as well.Carrots are great for their teeth though acts like a tooth cleanser.

    • Dogs are omnivores and can eat all types of fruits and vegetables with a few exceptions. Of course dogs, like people, have individual preferences and individual digestive systems. We run a dog rescue and have had as many as 75 dogs come through our home in a year. I have found that almost all dogs love carrots and apples. I would advise feeding whole foods over processed foods, but an occasional potato chip is always appreciated But remember, Never give a dog grapes, onions, raisins, raw eggs, or chocolate.