How do I keep my Alaskan Malamute cool during the scorching summer days?

it lives in the basement where theres much cooler because there are tiles,it always have fresh cold water, it is groomed out of long wintery fur,when it's sunny it only goes in shady places to relieve itself and come back in few minutes,when i go for…

    How do I keep my Alaskan Malamute cool during the scorching summer days?

    it lives in the basement where theres much cooler because there are tiles,it always have fresh cold water, it is groomed out of long wintery fur,when it's sunny it only goes in shady places to relieve itself and come back in few minutes,when i go for…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I keep my Alaskan Malamute cool during the scorching summer days?...

    • How do I keep my Alaskan Malamute cool during the scorching summer days?

      How do I keep my Alaskan Malamute cool during the scorching summer days? Other Pet Discussions
      it lives in the basement where theres much cooler because there are tiles,it always have fresh cold water, it is groomed out of long wintery fur,when it's sunny it only goes in shady places to relieve itself and come back in few minutes,when i go for walks i usually do it at the time when the sun has set and it cooled down,in the night or before the sunrise. What else should I do?

      How do I keep my Alaskan Malamute cool during the scorching summer days?

      How do I keep my Alaskan Malamute cool during the scorching summer days? Other Pet Discussions
    • Get a kiddie pool. Maybe he'd like to get in it?This is a tough one. My dad has a black lab, and she hates going outside in the summertime. She's basically an indoors dog, except when "nature calls". Good luck!

    • we have ours professionally groomed with shedding blade to make sure all of the undercoat is removed. then we leave fans blowing for her and plenty of water. try to get him/her in the water too. either a river or lake, or buy a kiddie pool that is NOT inflatable.

    • I have a red and white malamute. I shave her. You are doing the right things, do you let her into the house with the airconditioning? If not, after a walk or for a couple of hours a day, you could bring her into the main part of the house and let her rest in the airconditioning.Melissa

    • Check with someone familiar with the breed. I've always been told dogs should NEVER be shaved. the hair keeps the heat out too. I don't know, but check it out before you do it. and if you do it, careful it's not too short, dogs can sunburn

    • Do not shave!! Husky's fur acts like an igloo cooler in summertime. Keep him brushed and clean to aviod mats and keep him at a healthy weight (slim) You're doing everything right, Don't worry.

    • One more thing you could do in addition to the great job you are already doing is lay down a damp towel for him to lay on each day. My Samoyed lives outside, and he likes to dig into wet ground for the cooler dirt below. A damp towel on the floor of your basement would be similar to what my dog does on his own.