What do you think is the difference between aggression and dominance?

I get the feeling that many people think it's the same thing.

    What do you think is the difference between aggression and dominance?

    I get the feeling that many people think it's the same thing....
    Other Pet Discussions : What do you think is the difference between aggression and dominance?...

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    • What do you think is the difference between aggression and dominance?

      What do you think is the difference between aggression and dominance? Other Pet Discussions
      I get the feeling that many people think it's the same thing.

      What do you think is the difference between aggression and dominance?

      What do you think is the difference between aggression and dominance? Other Pet Discussions
    • My Boxer isn't aggressive, but with certain other male dogs he does act dominant. I think there's a big difference... aggression is a sure sign of behavioral problems.

    • imo, aggression is out of fear.dominant dogs in the wild or wolves never need to assert their high place in the pack by force or violence, this would cause the wolf pack to always be fighting.dominance i would say is confidence, leading, and requiring respect.

    • Aggression can be fueled by several things...fear, confidence, drives for food, breeding, territory, etc. It is easily recognized with growling, barking, biting.Dominance is alot of posturing, many times, a small dog can dominate a larger one because of his confidence, body language, "been there/done that" attitude. Very small things can be attributed to dominance. Constant licking, humping, head over top of the other dog, etc.

    • I get the feeling that 99% of people have no idea what aggression is.There are many different types of aggression, active, reactive, open, fear based, etc. Which one are you talking about?There is a HUGE and clear difference between one and the other and there a HUGE difference between them and dominance.People in their ignorance, and most answers are ignorant, think that aggression is a bad thing and it must be the result of abuse or the wrong type of bringing a dog up.Nothing can be further from the truth...true aggression is a part of the temperament the dog is born with.I look for aggression in my dogs, I would have no use for any of them without it, but, I need the right type too.I could go on and explain all the different types that exist and the similarities and differences between them, but, that would take more space then YA will allow.Dominance is a dog's ability and desire to exert himself mentally, physically and emotionally on his environment and its contents.My dogs come from very dominant bloodlines and as such start to exhibit them at a very early age.Hope I helped!

    • Fear is the root of aggression.A dog turns to aggression to naturally defend itself. Nothing is going to approach a teeth-bared, snarling, growling dog.Dominance is the natural attempt to be head of the pack. The majority of dogs struggle with pack dominance the first year of their life, and soon after if they are introduced into a new pack or a new member is introduced.

    • There are already some good answers, but im sure one more opinion wouldn't hurt! Aggression can be a good thing and also a really bad thing. Most puppies when they play are showing aggression, but this aggression is prey aggression which can be molded and used to train with. So it's actually a good thing. Aggression such as handler aggression can be linked with dominance, a dog willing to attack its owner is a dominant dog. Dominance problems will never happen if the owner truly established pack structure the minute they got their puppy. Dominance is linked with aggression. BUT aggression doesn't always have to be linked with dominance.

    • Dominance is wanting to belong, or to be higher in status. They won't fight forever, they will give up, or the other dog will.Aggression is unprovoked attacking that you can't find a rhyme or reason for the dog doing it. They will fight forever.