How much does it cost to get a blood test for a baby mouse or rat?

I don't know which it is yet. Anyway, I found him in a puddle and I'd like to get him tested for hantavirus and any other disease. How much will this cost? Also, would they be able to draw enough blood to test him? He only weighs 10 grams...I'm not…

    How much does it cost to get a blood test for a baby mouse or rat?

    I don't know which it is yet. Anyway, I found him in a puddle and I'd like to get him tested for hantavirus and any other disease. How much will this cost? Also, would they be able to draw enough blood to test him? He only weighs 10 grams...I'm not…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How much does it cost to get a blood test for a baby mouse or rat?...

    • How much does it cost to get a blood test for a baby mouse or rat?

      How much does it cost to get a blood test for a baby mouse or rat? Other Pet Discussions
      I don't know which it is yet. Anyway, I found him in a puddle and I'd like to get him tested for hantavirus and any other disease. How much will this cost? Also, would they be able to draw enough blood to test him? He only weighs 10 grams...I'm not worried about what to feed him cause he seems to like diluted puppy formula a lot. :PAnd I didn't want one, cena m... I found him unexpectedly!

      How much does it cost to get a blood test for a baby mouse or rat?

      How much does it cost to get a blood test for a baby mouse or rat? Other Pet Discussions
    • aww just nurse him that would be kinda a waste, your a good person for doing that by the way really, its people like you that make this world a better place, im a 16 yr old guy but i have to admit to having a soft spot for animals but dont get a blood test hes too small i would just keep him warm and safe and let him develop before doing that, your a good person by the way

    • I don't think you can request a blood test for Hanta virus. Hanta is one of the deadliest airborne viruses known (along with Marburg and Ebola)and it would be too risky for lab personnel even to handle the sample without independent air supply.My educated guess is that only the CDC ( does this kind of testing but only in case of a human outbreak.I am sorry but I doubt that anyone would go to any length for a baby mouse or rat.If he is indeed infected with Hanta, you might be in trouble... incubation period in humans is about 2-4 weeks.I understand the good will but it is simply not worth the risk taking home an orphaned rodent.Best of luck!

    • he'll be fine you don't need to get a blood test, it could hurt him since he's so young. your a really great person like said earlier because you did that i just love people who do nice things for animals :)