How can I keep neighborhood dogs from using my front yard as their toilet?

Someone walks their dog by my house every night and lets the dog do its duty in my front yard. I live right next to an empty lot & the owner is too lazy to pick up the poo and apparently doesn't feel like walking a few more paces to the empty lot. I…

    How can I keep neighborhood dogs from using my front yard as their toilet?

    Someone walks their dog by my house every night and lets the dog do its duty in my front yard. I live right next to an empty lot & the owner is too lazy to pick up the poo and apparently doesn't feel like walking a few more paces to the empty lot. I…...
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    • How can I keep neighborhood dogs from using my front yard as their toilet?

      How can I keep neighborhood dogs from using my front yard as their toilet? Other Pet Discussions
      Someone walks their dog by my house every night and lets the dog do its duty in my front yard. I live right next to an empty lot & the owner is too lazy to pick up the poo and apparently doesn't feel like walking a few more paces to the empty lot. I wish I could catch the owner in the act!

      How can I keep neighborhood dogs from using my front yard as their toilet?

      How can I keep neighborhood dogs from using my front yard as their toilet? Other Pet Discussions
    • try to stay alert one night & watch without him seeing youthen go out & confront the lazy personor you could pick it up in a bag of course & dump it on his lawn every time..he will get the hintgood luck

    • so do it! hide in the bushes and when they come walk out and start talking to the guy as if nothing's happening while his dog's taking a shit. and film it. i'd watch it.

    • put up a sign that says something along the lines of "You're being filmed. All violators, aka dog walkers, allowing their dogs to "poop" in my yard... will be reported to the authorities."yea... that should scare the hell out of them. GOOD LUCK!

    • I heard if you sprinkle dried hot pepper flakes around your yard it will keep the dogs away.And like everyone else said, stay up and wait and see who's walking their dog and letting them poo in your yard. Then confront them and ask them to pick it up. Hand them a plastic grocery bag.

    • Put cayenne pepper on the lawn in the area that the poohing doglikes......this might eliminate the elimination...let me know if it works!!!! :-)Also: Put up a sign to: Please curb your dog!!!orone that says: Electronic Surveillence on Property: 24/7orGet a dowel or metal stake and place a few grocery plastic bags out for there convenience on the stake. just in case they forgot ...sure!!!!

    • One thing that wards off all animals is regular household ammonia. This can be put in a spray bottle and applied to your trash when you put it out for pick-up, or to places that you don't have children or plants around. It is toxic and dangerous to the animal's sense of smell, so it will cause an animal to avoid the general area of the solution altogether. If you have a sidewalk it may deter the animal from choosing your yard. DO NOT SPRAY ANY LIVE ANIMAL AS THIS IS SICK, DEADLY AND BLATANT CRUELTY THAT WILL BE VISITED BACK ON YOU. It will deter dogs, cats, raccoons and other animals from coming around, as when they catch the scent in the air, they will avoid it. They do not need to come within even feet of the actual chemical for it to be effective. Ammonia is a chemical, so all warnings and specifications on the label must be followed as well.

    • I would put up a fence or a sign. There is not too much you can do unless you catch them in the act, but in some places people can get ticket for not picking up their dogs poop. I would try to talk to the person and if that doesn't help call your local police station(not 911) and see if they could get a ticket.

    • If you have never seen the dog do it how do you know it is that dog? I walk my dog every day and I pick up the poop. There is dog poop all up and down the street from the other dogs that are just let out to go poop. They could blame me if they saw me walking my dog cause she wanders on the edges of all the yards sniffing. Don't be too hasty with blame til you know for SURE.