How do I get my puppy to stop crying in the middle of the night?

My boyfriend bought me a puggle puppy for my 20th birthday and we love him to death but last night I had to get up 3 times in the middle of the night last night. How do I get him to stop?

    How do I get my puppy to stop crying in the middle of the night?

    My boyfriend bought me a puggle puppy for my 20th birthday and we love him to death but last night I had to get up 3 times in the middle of the night last night. How do I get him to stop?...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I get my puppy to stop crying in the middle of the night?...

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    • How do I get my puppy to stop crying in the middle of the night?

      How do I get my puppy to stop crying in the middle of the night? Other Pet Discussions
      My boyfriend bought me a puggle puppy for my 20th birthday and we love him to death but last night I had to get up 3 times in the middle of the night last night. How do I get him to stop?

      How do I get my puppy to stop crying in the middle of the night?

      How do I get my puppy to stop crying in the middle of the night? Other Pet Discussions
    • this is something dogs do when they r young. just makesure they were fed, had water, went to the bathroom, and all that good crap. just turn off the lights and act like ur ignoring him. if he gets attention when he cries he'll never stop

    • The puppy is crying because he is lonely. Find an old t-shirt and wear it for a day. Then, without washing it, put the shirt in the puppy's bed. The shirt will have your scent and help the puppy feel better.

    • That is the beagle in him. They hate to be alone. Puppies cry at night for the first few weeks anyway. If he is in a cage put it in your room or put something that smells like you with him.He will eventually stop and sleep all night.

    • Try putting a hotwater bottle wraped in a blancket into the puppies bed and putting a ticking clock into the room with him/her (obviosly out of reach). This should help your puppy sleep.

    • i think you have to be a little tough with him. By getting up and comforting him you are showing him that if he cries he gets attention - so he will probably keep on doing it. If you ignore him then eventually you will break him of the habit and he will stop. This is much easier to say than do - of course. Plus you have to be sure he is not crying for a valid reason such as he has no water or has nowhere to pee.I had the same sort of thing last week with my 3 year old dog - he was howling because there was a storm. It was heartbreaking to hear but I did not give in cos I knew he was safe and did not want him to get the habit of doing it every storm that comes around.You could let him sleep in the bedroom, but dogs love routines and I bet he will want to stay there even when he becomes adult.Best of luck and love to puggie....

    • You really can't because most likely the dog is dreaming! That is what they do! He is probably having a bad dream! The best way to help is to lay with him, pet him, and tell him that everything is alright. I know I sound crazy, but it works!

    • You did not say the age of the pup. At 8 wks of age, they cannot hold it all night and need to be taken out. By 12 wks of age they should be able to hold it all night. You'll have to tough it out for a few weeks. All part of puppy training!If the dog is older, then give it something that you have warn to sleep with and put the crate in you bedroom so he can see you. Most times, if they hear your voice they will go back to sleep.

    • He is missing his mum, sisters and brothers, their sounds, warmth....try giving him a safe soft toy, a hot water bottle very well wrapped up...and be patient try to understand him....he has to get used to his new home and family.Best of luck!

    • let him sleep in your bed with you it makes him feel comfortable in a new environment.I do that with my puppy all the time and i started when she was two weeks when i got her. If you really really dont want him in your bed then put his bed in your room with a water bowl next to it . I did that to my puppy when she got older (2 months) but she still sleeps with me if she wants to because i let herGood luck and best wishes to you and your new puppy,Briana

    • First, dont keep going in there. He'll only keep whining b/c he knows you'll come in there. If you do go get on to him. Get him a toy to sleep with and if he sleeps in a dark room put a night light in the room. Or try leaving a light on. This seems to help out my two dogs.