What to do when ticks are resistant to topical treatment?

I have three small dogs and recently applied k9 advantix, but the ticks are still biting! Is it safe to apply even more or is there something else I can do?

    What to do when ticks are resistant to topical treatment?

    I have three small dogs and recently applied k9 advantix, but the ticks are still biting! Is it safe to apply even more or is there something else I can do?...
    Other Pet Discussions : What to do when ticks are resistant to topical treatment?...

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    • What to do when ticks are resistant to topical treatment?

      What to do when ticks are resistant to topical treatment? Other Pet Discussions
      I have three small dogs and recently applied k9 advantix, but the ticks are still biting! Is it safe to apply even more or is there something else I can do?

      What to do when ticks are resistant to topical treatment?

      What to do when ticks are resistant to topical treatment? Other Pet Discussions
    • Mow the lawn. Ticks climb tall grass and grab at mammals that walk by. No tall plants, no grabbing.Fumigate the house. If you had a bad run of ticks, some of them got off and bred in the house.

    • You need to re-apply the advantix after two weeks to ensure that the treatment still works against ticks, but even then, you should be checking over your dogs and removing any ticks daily as no topical treatment is guarenteed to work 100% of the time.

    • Do NOT apply K9 Avantix more than once a month unless directed by your vet. Small dogs are especially sensitive to be over dosed! Most flea & tick shampoos can only be used once every couple of weeks, only affect what is on them (does not repell them), & can be very toxic. There is actually antidotes for many of the flea & tick shampoos out there because they are so often poisoned by them. Advantix only kills the ticks after they have attached. It does claim to repell them, but not kill until they bite. This time of year us NOT tick season, it is in the cooler months of the year. So they are most likely getting into a bed. Try to avoid letting them play or go potty in overgrown or bushy areas. Have your yard treated by a company that uses pet safe pestasides. About three weeks after the last time you applied Advantix apply Frontline plus. If the have any ticks on them they should die & fall off & continue to do so for about a month. Make sure if you use Frontline that you use a detergent free shampoo to bath them with or it can be diluted. It is water proof, but not soap proof. You should really contact your vet office for more advice. If your dogs have had ticks attached you should have them examined by a doctor to make sure they do not need further evaluation or treatment. Ticks do carry disease & can lead to infection. I worked at a vet clinic for many years in the south, & have 7 furballs myself. This is a common issue that your vet should be able to give you direction on. Good luck with your babies!

    • If you are not comfortable bathing your dog with chemical tick shampoo take them to a groomers. They have experience with these chemicals. You can also call your vet about any extra dosages and sometimes they are able to just give you a pill to prevent the ticks from returning. You may also want to treat your house and yard in case you have an infestation. But your vet can give you all the proper information on how to care for your dogs and your house/yard.