How do we get our new kitty to sleep in her own bed, and not in ours?

Its our first kitty and at night, she makes her way onto the bed and a) sits on our head or somewhere very near b) purrs so loud you can hear it through the matress (its kinda cute) and c) decides she wants to play at 3am.She has shown no interest in the…

    How do we get our new kitty to sleep in her own bed, and not in ours?

    Its our first kitty and at night, she makes her way onto the bed and a) sits on our head or somewhere very near b) purrs so loud you can hear it through the matress (its kinda cute) and c) decides she wants to play at 3am.She has shown no interest in the…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do we get our new kitty to sleep in her own bed, and not in ours?...

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    • How do we get our new kitty to sleep in her own bed, and not in ours?

      How do we get our new kitty to sleep in her own bed, and not in ours? Other Pet Discussions
      Its our first kitty and at night, she makes her way onto the bed and a) sits on our head or somewhere very near b) purrs so loud you can hear it through the matress (its kinda cute) and c) decides she wants to play at 3am.She has shown no interest in the 2 beds we have bought her, even when we infused them with catnip. I've tried putting her toys in the beds, moving her into the bed, but to no avail.Has anyone been successful in getting their kitty to sleep in his/her own bed?

      How do we get our new kitty to sleep in her own bed, and not in ours?

      How do we get our new kitty to sleep in her own bed, and not in ours? Other Pet Discussions
    • i've never forced my cats to sleep any where else. cats are very independent animals. you should be glad that she wants to sleep with you. after all, she dos'nt have a mommy anymore, so guess what- your it. dont push her out. she wont be your friend anymore. she will think that you dont want her, and she could wonder off, cats will do that if they feel unwanted.

    • AWWW...I had 3 cats(lexxi died 4/24/06):-(and they all 3 slept with us./unless you have allergies, I would let them...or close your bedroom door....cats are glad she wants to sleep with you....

    • I used to have a cat that would sleep around my head... tail under my chin and purr in my ear. It actually helped me sleep. I guess you could try closing your door at night and placing her bad next to your doorway. She may eventually get the idea thats where she's supposed to sleep. I think it's cute that she likes to sleep with you. If it's causing you to lose sleep, though... what other choice do you have, right?

    • Some cats are just cuddly and need attention, even at night. We've always had ours sleep with us, and they get tired of it as they get older. That, or they get better at behaving. If kitty gets too playful in the middle of the night, we place the young one in a cat carrier, with a soft towel, and small dishes of food and water. Seems mean, but I figure it's meaner to holler at the cat several times a night. It also helps to play with the cat, ferociously, for the hour or three before bed, so kitty is good and tired.

    • well, i also have cats... as ive experienced they like to be with their owner, to sleep beside them, even on top of them..(my cats do that to me). What i did was i always put them in their corner, but if they dont obey me, i show them my slippers... i try to make my voice a little higher. juz try to be patient and keep on putting your cat in her bed, they'll learn somehow, but it'll take time. thanks