I have an empty 30 gallon freshwater tank. What kind of fish does everyone reccomend?

I want to get different fish than the usual platies, mollies, and swordtails. I'd like something unique but that is easy to care for. The tank I have is a 30 gallon tall tank. It's been cycled for a year already. I did have golsfish in the tank for about…

    I have an empty 30 gallon freshwater tank. What kind of fish does everyone reccomend?

    I want to get different fish than the usual platies, mollies, and swordtails. I'd like something unique but that is easy to care for. The tank I have is a 30 gallon tall tank. It's been cycled for a year already. I did have golsfish in the tank for about…...
    Other Pet Discussions : I have an empty 30 gallon freshwater tank. What kind of fish does everyone reccomend?...

    • I have an empty 30 gallon freshwater tank. What kind of fish does everyone reccomend?

      I have an empty 30 gallon freshwater tank. What kind of fish does everyone reccomend? Other Pet Discussions
      I want to get different fish than the usual platies, mollies, and swordtails. I'd like something unique but that is easy to care for. The tank I have is a 30 gallon tall tank. It's been cycled for a year already. I did have golsfish in the tank for about a year. But now they are in my pond outside. All I have in my tank now are a few snails. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

      I have an empty 30 gallon freshwater tank. What kind of fish does everyone reccomend?

      I have an empty 30 gallon freshwater tank. What kind of fish does everyone reccomend? Other Pet Discussions
    • red bellied pacu are nice but you cant put any other fish in there with em as they are related to piranas i had 2 that grew to the size of dinner plates before i gave them away to someone with a bigger tank

    • How about some gouramis, angelfish, barbs, tetras, rainbow fish or paradise fish? They are just a few names but you would have to check to see what fish can go with others and how many can fit in your tank.

    • get a couple dojos like these: http://badmanstropicalfish.com/gallery/cyprinid/anguillicaudatus.htmlYou can actually pet them; they're like little dogs.RebeccaiPowerGRFX Website Designershttp://www.ipowergrfx.comhttp://www.publicadjuster.com

    • I think that you should go for a school of fish rather than going for one large, difficult-to-maintain fish. Go with red rummy nose tetras or tetras or even guppies. These are colorful fish that swim in groups. I love knife fish, but they are nocturnal and require live worms for their diet. If you're feeling a bit more daring, add some salt to your tank (brackish, make sure you buy the aqua salt) and buy bumble bee fish. Those are cool fish. They swim like they are flying in the water. They look like bubmle bees. They will eat frozen worms--easier to buy. Also, keep the tank warmer for brackish fish like the bees. The tetras and guppies will be fine in >74 degree temps. Have fun. It's agreat hobby.