How do I get my dog to enjoy being groomed?

My dog has a medium-length coat that seems to mat rather than shed. I've tried different kinds of grooming tools and giving her treats, but she does not like being groomed. I assume that it is uncomfortable for her because she is a good-natured girl and…

    How do I get my dog to enjoy being groomed?

    My dog has a medium-length coat that seems to mat rather than shed. I've tried different kinds of grooming tools and giving her treats, but she does not like being groomed. I assume that it is uncomfortable for her because she is a good-natured girl and…...
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    • How do I get my dog to enjoy being groomed?

      How do I get my dog to enjoy being groomed? Other Pet Discussions
      My dog has a medium-length coat that seems to mat rather than shed. I've tried different kinds of grooming tools and giving her treats, but she does not like being groomed. I assume that it is uncomfortable for her because she is a good-natured girl and always tries to do what I want. Is there a particular brush or tool that won't cause discomfort? Or something I can put on her coat to make it easier to brush? Anything else you can suggest? She is such a sweetheart I hate to do something to her she doesn't like.My dog is a German shepherd mix. The black parts of her coat are coarse and glossy and don't mat/ The tan parts are soft and fuzzy and want to mat. The tan parts are on her legs and rear, where she is most likely to get dirty. She never whines when she's brushed. She will just lick my hand to let me know she doesn't like it and she will leave if I let her. I give her treats or even a nice bone to distract her before she starts to get antsy.Any suggestion on a good detangling conditioner for dogs? Or do people conditioners work well?Do groomers mind working with dogs that have never been professionally groomed and want to get away?My dog loves people and isn't aggressive, she just would probably really not want to be there and she's a medium-sized dog.

      How do I get my dog to enjoy being groomed?

      How do I get my dog to enjoy being groomed? Other Pet Discussions
    • I have a yorkie and I know how hard grooming can be for both the lovely pup adn for the owner. I did some research of the groomers in my area and just found one that wokred with Toby until he was comfortable going. Now when I say "groomers", he wags his tail! i know this doesn't help unless you live in san diego. But you might find someone like that in your area! Good Luck

    • Use conditioner. It untangles the hair and conditions their skin. Also, if you have a Fleet Farm nearby, try Orvus. Look for it at if you don't. I used it on my dogs and sheep throughout the summers and for fair time. Works great and easy to rinse out. I also used a blow dryer on my dogs which blew out a lot of dead hair and made it straight so that it was easier to comb.

    • There arent many dogs who enjoy grooming, unless they dont get much attention then they consider grooming attention, just brush a little each day, and when you bathe her reward her with a treat she will get used to it! i had the same problem with my dog but she got used to it!

    • hello, well first, what kind of dog is she? if she has a coat that matts rather qickley then you need to not maybe wait quit so long in bertween brushings, , , also i wouldnt give her too many treats while grooming if she is resisting, because then what you are doing is rewarding her for resisting, she whines and fusses ,you give her a treat and then she becomes conditioned to when she whines she gets treats, bye good luck