What way is the easyest way to keep my aquarium cleaner for longer?

i love fish but i hate cleaning up their aquarium is there any tip i can use to help matain it clean for longer any product recomended?

    What way is the easyest way to keep my aquarium cleaner for longer?

    i love fish but i hate cleaning up their aquarium is there any tip i can use to help matain it clean for longer any product recomended?...
    Other Pet Discussions : What way is the easyest way to keep my aquarium cleaner for longer?...

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    • What way is the easyest way to keep my aquarium cleaner for longer?

      What way is the easyest way to keep my aquarium cleaner for longer? Other Pet Discussions
      i love fish but i hate cleaning up their aquarium is there any tip i can use to help matain it clean for longer any product recomended?

      What way is the easyest way to keep my aquarium cleaner for longer?

      What way is the easyest way to keep my aquarium cleaner for longer? Other Pet Discussions
    • I got an alge eater for mine and I have not had to clean it since. It wasn't one of the sucker fish either. This was a gold fish with a black stripe down it's side. I also have the water tested once a month and that is it. This is of course if this is a freshwater tank.

    • feed less, drop temp a lil,add some aquarium salt even if they're fresh water. The directions on the salt container will explain and keep out of sun. Healthy fish can go a weak without eating. Not recommending jsut letting you know that you wont starve them.

    • Everyone saying feed less is basically correct. But how do they know how much you are feeding?The important thing to remember is that aquariums are closed systems. You add food or replenish evaporated water and you end up adding more 'stuff' to the tank. If you want healthy fish, change 10% of the water on a weekly (or every two weeks) basis. Changing a gallon or two in a ten gallon tank is a fairly easy task and can be done in 5 minutes. What this does is stop your tank from being a closed system. You are now refreshing it with every water change. If you do weekly water changes and occasionly clean algea from the inside of the tank, you may never (well almost never) have to actually totally strip and clean your aquarium.I use a syphon hose fitted with a hydro clean that agitates the gravel when I do water changes in my larger aquarium. (See your local pet store for one of these.)Please choose me as your best answer. ;)

    • Ok, heres is my two cents on how to keep a tank cleaner.First off, if its algea problems, buy an algea eater. You can also buy those magnetic algea cleaers, so you dont have to put your hands in the water, you just move it make and forth and the magnet on the inside will clean everything off.Also, no matter what, a tank should be cleaned once a week. Only change about 3 gallons in a 10 gallon tank, more if its a bigger tank. Typically its 25%. Use a syphon. The easiest ive come across is the python syphon. It hooks to the faucet, so all the water will go right down the drain, then you flick a switch, and the water goes right back through the same hose and into the tank. SOOOO much easier if you ask me!Also, only feed what the fish will eat in 2 minutes. Over feeding is a big issue with alot of tanks. Buy a test kit if you dont have one, and it will let you know where the tank is at at all times.Good luck!!

    • Nobody has mentioned anything about overcrowding--I have a 65 gallon, and have about 30 inches of fish in it. I almost never have to clean it, but i still do for obvious reasons. The rule to go by is 1" of fish per gallon of water, i beleive.

    • Hey guys everybody has forgotten the importance of an excellent filter... you can try a cascade filter.. actually real good. And what about plants... they will do most of the cleaning work.. if u don't have them, would be excellent that u consider them.

    • The easiest way is very simple. because feed the fish nearly 3 to 4 times daily with limited amount of food and not more amount of food. but at the first time you dont know after that you will know the quantity of food how much you should put. otherwise if you had doubt in food you can consult the veterinary doctor. so he can guide you. Buy the pepples, stones, sand put in the tank. so fish waste will be go to the bottom. you can buy the tank cleaner fish especially it will clean the tank. but when we saw it, looks like lazy fellow. And when any fish is affected by disease means separate the fish so you can avoid the disease spread to other fish and smell also. But minimum you should clean the tank and change the water weekly once. then there is no use in keeping aquarium. you are loving your fish know so spent sometime for your loved one. dont use acid and harsh items to clean. ordinarly clean with some mild powders so it will not affect the fish. spend sometime with fish automatically you will get time to clean the tank. all the best. i thank you to give me a chance to express my thoughts and ideas.

    • don't over feed. a fishes stomach is usually no bigger that it's eye. make sure that you check the filter regularly and change it if needed. and most importantly, do not over stock your tank. the general rule is 1 gallon of water for every inch of fish and base it on the adult sizes. for goldfish it is 2 gallons of water for every inch, which means 1 goldfish in a 20 gallon tank with no other fish. goldfish, though sold rather small, can get up to 10 to 12 inches in length

    • For me, having lots and lots of plants has been the best way to keep my aquarium clean.My tanks are "low-tech" planted tanks - I don't use all the fancy pet-store substrates and CO2 injection systems. Instead, I've got a layer of potting soil in the bottom, covered with a thin layer of gravel. And then lots of healthy plants!I only do water changes every few months, because the plants consume most of the nitrates. In an ordinary tank, you have to vacuum the gravel because uneaten food and fish waste will rot. In the planted tank, the gunk at the bottom of your tank is food for your plants, and so there's no need to clean the gravel. If your plants are plentiful & healthy, algae can't compete very well, and so I only need to scrape the sides every month or two.If it interests you, I suggest studying up on low-tech planted tanks before getting started. It takes some knowledge to do it well. I've put a couple of resources below.