What is the best way to get rid of old dog urine odor out of carpet?

Hi. My first puppy training experience was a challenge and unfortunately some parts of my carpet got a beating. I rent and cannot afford to replace it. I have a steam cleaner and have cleaned the carpet a few times and it is MUCH better but when it is…

    What is the best way to get rid of old dog urine odor out of carpet?

    Hi. My first puppy training experience was a challenge and unfortunately some parts of my carpet got a beating. I rent and cannot afford to replace it. I have a steam cleaner and have cleaned the carpet a few times and it is MUCH better but when it is…...
    Other Pet Discussions : What is the best way to get rid of old dog urine odor out of carpet?...

    • What is the best way to get rid of old dog urine odor out of carpet?

      What is the best way to get rid of old dog urine odor out of carpet? Other Pet Discussions
      Hi. My first puppy training experience was a challenge and unfortunately some parts of my carpet got a beating. I rent and cannot afford to replace it. I have a steam cleaner and have cleaned the carpet a few times and it is MUCH better but when it is humid there is still odor. Any great tips?

      What is the best way to get rid of old dog urine odor out of carpet?

      What is the best way to get rid of old dog urine odor out of carpet? Other Pet Discussions
    • the best thing i have found to get rid of pet stains and odor and pretty much any kind of stain and odor is lysol concentrate. you mix it yourself with water. it takes stains and odor out right away.

    • Most pet experts say not to use ammonia because urine has ammonia in it and it will attact the dog back to that area just as well as the urine would. They suggest using an enzyme cleaner. You can get them at just about any pet store. Here is a link for one...good luck!http://www.petsmart.com/global/product_detail.jsp?PRODUCT%3C%3Eprd_id=845524441775334&FOLDER%3C%3Efolder_id=2534374302025632&ASSORTMENT%3C%3East_id=2534374302023689&bmUID=1141593265434&itemNo=1&In=Dog&N=2025632&Ne=2