How can I keep my cat from licking her incision?

My cat was just spayed, and I was thinking of making a cone to keep her away from it, but I don't know how, or of what. And I can't go any were to buy one. I have this bitter stuff to put on it, but she keeps licking it.Its not stiches, its only glued,…

    How can I keep my cat from licking her incision?

    My cat was just spayed, and I was thinking of making a cone to keep her away from it, but I don't know how, or of what. And I can't go any were to buy one. I have this bitter stuff to put on it, but she keeps licking it.Its not stiches, its only glued,…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How can I keep my cat from licking her incision?...

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    • How can I keep my cat from licking her incision?

      How can I keep my cat from licking her incision? Other Pet Discussions
      My cat was just spayed, and I was thinking of making a cone to keep her away from it, but I don't know how, or of what. And I can't go any were to buy one. I have this bitter stuff to put on it, but she keeps licking it.Its not stiches, its only glued, and if she keeps biting and licking at it she will tear i open, and we can't get her back to the vet this weekend.

      How can I keep my cat from licking her incision?

      How can I keep my cat from licking her incision? Other Pet Discussions
    • dont put bitter might get into the incision.shes just cleaning really cat prevent it.the cone will just scrap the incision when she tries.good luck

    • My vet told me it was ok that she licked her incision. She is keeping it clean by licking it by licking the germs and dirt away. Don't put anything on it as it could get into the incision itself and not allow it to heal correctly. The only thing that the cat could do is "lick a stitch under" like my cat did, but the vet will still be able to remove it..just a little more difficult to get out. She is doing a good thing of licking as she is keeping it clean.

    • Your cat is licking her incision to keep it clean. You don't need to worry, unless she starts to pull at the stitches. Even then, the outer ones are the only ones to worry about. The inner stitches are made to dissolve.Go ahead and spray the Bitter Apple AROUND the incision. It won't hurt to get into it.....I've used it on birds, cats, dogs, etc, and never had a problem. They can lick it off if they like the taste, but MOST don't like the bitterness.A cone can be made by cutting a hole in a plastic jug and fitting it around her neck. However, you have to be careful not to leave any jagged edges, and she still needs to be able to eat / drink......just not bend far enough to get to the stitches!Personally...........I would use the Bitter Apple...... Thanks for being responsible enough to have your cat spayed. You did a GOOD thing! Now, you can enjoy your "pregnancy free" life with a wonderful, loving cat!Good luck.........