How can you tell how far a cat is in pregnancy?

i cant tell how much more time until my cat goes into labor. can someone tell me how far she is. she is already producing milk and has motherly instincts.

    How can you tell how far a cat is in pregnancy?

    i cant tell how much more time until my cat goes into labor. can someone tell me how far she is. she is already producing milk and has motherly instincts....
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    • How can you tell how far a cat is in pregnancy?

      How can you tell how far a cat is in pregnancy? Other Pet Discussions
      i cant tell how much more time until my cat goes into labor. can someone tell me how far she is. she is already producing milk and has motherly instincts.

      How can you tell how far a cat is in pregnancy?

      How can you tell how far a cat is in pregnancy? Other Pet Discussions
    • cats are pregnant for 63-65 days. So think back to when you noticed her getting bigger & see how long it's been. They can start producing milk at any time, but if she's big & doing it, she's probably close. She may start wanting a lot of your attention if she is in labor. Sometimes they look to you for help.Or she could go into hiding. Best thing is to give her a box with towels in a quiet room & leave her alone. She'll know what to do.

    • For me, when I first realized the cat was for-sure pregnant, we had about a month to go. If she's producing milk and showing instincts, then she may be within the last week of pregnancy.When it's time for the birth, she'll go to her nesting place that she's picked out. If she's been giving you the cold shoulder all day, then she's the sort that wants to be left alone. Try not to hang around where she can see you easily. If she's been cuddly and seeking comfort, then you can probably sit a couple feet away, and be okay. Keep the room semi-dark, and talk in very quiet tones. She'll yowl kind of loud as she births the first one, but after that, her body will be ready for the next, and she probably won't spaz out as much.

    • My cat just had a kitten. It was her 2nd litter. You can tell how far she is by her milk. if her breast are very hard and she is relaxed by you touching them. She is almost ready to have them. It might sound gross or whatever, but she is going to be in alot of pain when the kitten is nursing for milk. It would really help if you did massage her before labor. My cat bleed her first litter before she when into labor. I thought she was going to die or something. She was a runt. I have heard of alot of cat bleeding from there brests like after the kitten stops nursing. The vet told me to massage her breasts the 2nd litter, and she was fine. I knew right before her water broke because she wanted to be very close to you. My cat didnt know what to do the 2nd litter either. I had to cut the all the cords or she would have killed the 4 in the 1st litter and the 1 in the 2nd. my sn is desaraiye, im me if u need more help

    • physical Changes in a Pregnant Cat * Heat Cycles Cease This will be the first sign you may notice. If your female cat has been suffering heat cycles every 10 days to two weeks, and suddenly stops, it is very likely she is pregnant. * Nipples Swell and Become Rosier in Color Breeders call this "pinking," and it may be the first physical sign you will see. * Increased Appetite * Your pregnant cat will show an increased interest in food. After all, she is not only eating for herself, but for several Possible Vomiting Pregnant cats may be subject to a few bouts of "morning sickness," much as human mothers-to-be. This in itself is not cause for alarm, but if it continues or is frequent, veterinarian intervention is needed. * Abdominal Enlargement Sometime around the fifth week of pregnancy, your pregnant cat's abdomen will start to swell noticeably, and it will continue to enlarge until time for birthing. Personality Changes in a Pregnant Cat * Increased Affection Your cat may become more affectionate than normal and frequently seek out your attention. By all means, give it to her! *"Nesting" Activities This is not an early sign of pregnancy, but as the time for partruition (birth) approaches, your pregnant cat may seek out quiet, private places for birth to take place.There are other signs as well but these are the most common hope I have helped you!

    • in my experience it only takes a few weeks for a cat to have babies after you notice it's preggo. however, when the cat is about to go into labor you will likely know. most cats make a loud noise that sounds like no other noise you've heard before and will probably want an extra amount of petting from you. often times they will 'nest' on you excessively or in a comfortable place. Less often cats disappear when they are about to have kittens, but if you are close with the cat, she will likely want you around her. I would definitely set up an area for her to have the kittens or else she will pick her own spot which may be in the middle of the carpeting...and it can get messy. If you make a place comfy with towels and other soft washable things and show her where it is and hwo much you love it, she will be more likely to have them there.