How do we go about house training a 6 weeke old puppy?

We just got a bichon-cokapoo cross nd are in the process of house training him. It seems everyone has there little tip and any help would be greatly appreciated.Thanks in advance for you help!

    How do we go about house training a 6 weeke old puppy?

    We just got a bichon-cokapoo cross nd are in the process of house training him. It seems everyone has there little tip and any help would be greatly appreciated.Thanks in advance for you help!...
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    • How do we go about house training a 6 weeke old puppy?

      How do we go about house training a 6 weeke old puppy? Other Pet Discussions
      We just got a bichon-cokapoo cross nd are in the process of house training him. It seems everyone has there little tip and any help would be greatly appreciated.Thanks in advance for you help!

      How do we go about house training a 6 weeke old puppy?

      How do we go about house training a 6 weeke old puppy? Other Pet Discussions
    • Get a good stick.Whenever the dog goes in the house (cuz it will happen)whip that little dogs ass.You dont have to hit them hard, but its just llike having kids you got to whip their asses so they behave.

    • hi,The key to rock-solid housetraining is to start the day your pup comes home and stick with the program. Using a crate is the easiest method. (For older dogs, see housetraining adult dogs). In a nutshell, here are the basic steps: this helps.

    • Well if the dog wiz's in the house just stick his nose in it say things like(No No) and anything along that line. And if the dog looks like it is going to pee hurry up and bring it out side and when its done say good boy/girl and give it a treat.

    • The key to success is the timing of IN and OUT. Young puppies take IN food or water and usually within 15 or 20 minutes, they pee or poop OUT. So your job is to get the puppy to where you want him to be in time for that OUT moment. I understand that you have a life and you won't always be there, even if you are just answering the phone. So cleanup is part of the process of potty training dogs. It's gonna happen till he can learn to control it so be prepared for that. 1. Take him outside (and stay till he's done or a long time has gone by with no results): As soon as he wakes up in the morning (You don't have to be awake.. much!)Right after his breakfastRight after his lunchRight after his napsRight after taking him out of his crateRight after his dinnerRight after any snacks of much sizeRight before his bedtimeIf he whimpers in the nightPraise him in a cheery voice when he produces. 2. Only feed him and give him water when you can take him outside right away. Especially in a hot or dry climate, you would normally never let dogs be without access to fresh water, but for the weeks that you are training, this limitation will speed up the potty training process for your dog. There will be fewer accidents and so the dog will more quickly learn what you want. But use your judgment about any risk of dehydration. 3. When he does pee or poop where you don't want him to, quietly clean it up in a matter-of-fact way. This isn't a time to talk either loving or annoyed talk to him; essentially ignore him while you do the cleanup. Certainly never yell or physically punish him in any way. 4. When you and he are both home, keep him with you as much as you can, whether at your side (a leash can be handy for this once he accepts it), in a confined area, or in a crate, or otherwise nearby. (If you are crate-training, do keep the puppy in the crate as little as possible.) Keep in mind that you are building a relationship at the same time that you are teaching him one of his first lessons. Think sometimes about what the world must look like from his perspective, filled with giants who are sometimes very loving and other times confusingly angry. Practice patience! Potty training dogs isn't always fun. you are waiting for the puppy to go, in whatever your climate can dish up and at all times of day or night. If the puppy is running loose in a safe place, this is a good time to do a few stretching exercises while keeping an eye on him. Even if the puppy is on a leash, you may be able to do some simpler ones. If you do a bit of gardening or something else, be sure it doesn't get your attention so much that you are distracted from your job of watching the puppy every moment, so you know when he has done his job. Don't take him back in the house the very moment he has done his stuff. He is likely to notice that the fun of being outside ends abruptly once he eliminates, and this is not an idea you want him to come up with! I train my puppies by saying "Do your stuff!"just as they pee or poop. After they have heard the phrase maybe a few dozen times, you can begin using it to encourage them just before they are actually doing their stuff. Eventually, it will be helpful when you are walking them as adults. I must admit I have never had a dog who heard me say that and always immediately performed, but it does help them get the idea. It's just part of my routine for potty training my dogs. If you are clicker-training, you could click when the dog did his stuff where you wanted him to, then give him a treat a few moments later, when he is done. Physically, puppies vary in how old they are before they have control of elimination, but if you bring your puppy home around the age of 8 weeks, which is considered the ideal age, expect a month or two of accidents. They will become rarer as this time goes on. Good Luck. Hope I helped

    • Crate train your puppy especially since he's soooo young. It'll keep him out of trouble and help with house training. You carry him out immediately after arising from a nap or night sleeping. You may have to get up a few times in the middle of the night for a few weeks or months cause they have little bladders. Take him out about 10 minutes after eating or drinking and take him out after playing. Whenever he goes outside, praise and make a big deal of it and treat immediately. Have PATIENCE cause sometimes it takes a while. Do NOT ever hit or yell at your puppy for going in the house, just clean it up and start over cause it's really your fault that you didn't recognize that he had to go. They give out signals like sniffing and or circling or acting antsy. Your little guy is too young to be away from it's mom and littermates so he's not getting the best start (not to say you are bad parents at all) but the pup should not be with you yet for another 3 weeks or so. He stil may have accidents til 6-8 months. Some dogs take to potty training real fast and some not so fast. Good luck! How did you get that pup so young anyway?

    • I have just got a puppy recently. The way I did it was crate training. Here's a few tips on crate training and house training:1.Try to teach them that their crate is a good place. Reward them when you place them in the crate. This is teaching them, that a treat comes with good crate behavior. Always keep your dog in the crate, unless you can keep a good eye on him. 2. Another option, if you do not want to place your dog in the kennel all of the time, hook his leash to your belt loop, this way he can not go off and use the restroom somewhere, and you don't know about it. 3.Always take him outside, after rough play, after he eats or drinks, after being let out of his crate, after he wakes up after a night, or if he shows signs of having to use the restroom(sniffing, staring at you,whining)4.Don't ever hit your dog, or rub his nose in his mess. This will just teach the dog to be afraid of you. 5.Don't feed him or give him to much water, before you plan to put him in his cage.6.Don't expect your dog to hold it's restroom, more than the age of the dog in months, plus one. But no dog should have to hold it's bladder more than a 7-8 hours.7.Be patient!! That is the key, to housetraining. Of course if you get too overwelmed, you can always buy a book, or ask a professional trainer!Good Luck!

    • The best thing to do when house breaking a young puppy, is to leave him in his crate when you can not keep an eye on him, and then as soon as you take him out of the crate take him outside and say "go potty" and as soon as he does his business give him a treat and say "good boy!" If he is out of his crate and he goes on the floor say "NO" in a firm voice and take him outside to finish his business. He will soon figure this out and will go to the door when he needs to use the bathroom.

    • The key to rock-solid housetraining is to start the day your pup comes home and stick with the program. Using a crate is the easiest method. (For older dogs, see housetraining adult dogs). In a nutshell, here are the basic steps:1. Take time off to housetrain your puppy.2. Start using a crate the day you bring her home.3. Take your puppy outside for a bathroom break every one to two hours during the day. 4. Plan a middle-of-the-night potty run for young puppies.5. Shower her with treats and praise when she does a good job.6. Don't punish your pup for accidents you haven't seen. Here's how to housetraining properly