Looking for easiest way to clean a carpeted cat tree?

I have a 8 ft cat tree that sits in front of the window. I vaccum it all the time but was wondering if I can shampoo it ? Any suggestions ?

    Looking for easiest way to clean a carpeted cat tree?

    I have a 8 ft cat tree that sits in front of the window. I vaccum it all the time but was wondering if I can shampoo it ? Any suggestions ?...
    Other Pet Discussions : Looking for easiest way to clean a carpeted cat tree?...

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    • Looking for easiest way to clean a carpeted cat tree?

      Looking for easiest way to clean a carpeted cat tree? Other Pet Discussions
      I have a 8 ft cat tree that sits in front of the window. I vaccum it all the time but was wondering if I can shampoo it ? Any suggestions ?

      Looking for easiest way to clean a carpeted cat tree?

      Looking for easiest way to clean a carpeted cat tree? Other Pet Discussions
    • Why not use regular carpet shamoo? Is there a way to take it out and let it dry before cats can use it? Just be careful cause you wouldn't want to get your little kittys sick.

    • Be careful what you use to clean it with as those kitties are coming into contact with it. I wouldn't shampoo it, the chemicals are too dangerous. If it has a smell lay it flat and sprinkle with backing soda before you vacuum. You can also use a spray of Febreeze but be sure to vacuum after.Remember too, the kitties love the smells that they leave as they let them know that they own the structure.

    • i got a really huge cat tree too. its about the hight of urs and i know how hard it is to keep it clean. Well,if it aint got stains on it i would not clean it with carpet cleaner or wet it period.I tryed couple things to get the fure of.1.a cat brush2.packing tape3.vaccum4.with my hands (lol)However...dont forget that under the layer of carpet there is wood.And wood is never good when it gets wet cuz it sucking up the wet it its getting nasty. so what u wanna do when u have stain in it.... either only use a wet tissue and wipe over it...or look for a extra-material-spray for clothings and stuff. u use it for material that u cant wash. (they sold it in a teddybear-toystore) u couldnt wash all of them teddies cuz they were with electronics and so they said to use that spray.) dont ask me where else to get it but look in walmart they always got all type of stuff.however...dont use nothin hard...cuz the cats have so sensitive noses...that they can act pretty crazy on certain stuff....such as pissing on it or not climping up on it anymore.... believe me...